Regulation - Minister

Exemption from Approval (Official Plan Amendments)

Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 525/97 (Exemption from Approval (Official Plan Amendments)
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Planning Act
Summary of Decision:
O. Reg. 525/97 (Exemption from approval (Official Plan Amendments)) made under the Planning Act, was amended by O. Reg. 104/13 (Exemption from approval (Official Plan Amendments) made under the Planning Act. This amendment exempts certain municipalities from the requirement to obtain the Minister?s approval of official plan amendments. This regulation enables council to process official plan amendments after August 1, 2013 using the exemption provisions under the Planning Act.

O. Reg. 104/13 (Exemption from approval of (Official Plan Amendments)) made under the Planning Act came into force on March 19, 2013.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
December 11, 2012
Summary of Proposal:
Description of Regulation:
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 525/97 (Exemption from Approval (Official Plan Amendments) under the Planning Act in order to exempt certain municipalities from the requirement to obtain the Minister's approval of official plan amendments.

The proposed amendment would identify the following 26 municipalities which have up-to-date official plans as being exempt from the requirement to obtain the Minister's approval of their official plan amendments:
1. Township of Alberton
2. Township of Armstrong
3. Township of Baldwin
4. Township of Black River-Matheson
5. Township of Brethour
6. Municipality of Callander
7. Township of Dubreuilville
8. Town of Espanola
9. Township of Gauthier
10. Township of Hilliard
11. Municipality of Huron Shores
12. Township of Ignace
13. Township of Larder Lake
14. Township of McGarry
15. Town of Moosonee
16. Township of Morley
17. Township of Prince
18. Township of Red Rock
19. Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers
20. Municipality of Sioux Lookout
21. Town of Thessalon
22. Village of Thornloe
23. Township of Val Rita-Harty
24. Municipality of Wawa
25. Municipality of West Nipissing
26. Township of Pelee

It is proposed that the regulation would exempt from the Minister's approval official plan amendments of the identified municipalities commenced on or after August 1, 2013.

Purpose of Regulation:
The MMAH is committed to a sound, efficient and effective planning system that enhances local autonomy and streamlines decision-making on planning applications.

This proposed regulation would enable council to process official plan amendments after the August 1, 2013 using the exemption provisions under the Planning Act.

Other Information:

This initiative reinforces the MMAH's commitment to empower decision-making at the local level where municipalities have up-to-date official plans that are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2005.
Contact Address:
Mr. Vince Fabiilli, Regional Director
Municipal Services Office, Eastern Region
8 Estate Lane
Rockwood House
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 9A8
Tel: 613-545-2100
Fax: 613-548-6822
Effective Date:
March 19, 2012