Prescribed Temporary Indexing Factor - Amending Ontario Regulation 454/09
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 454/09
Ontario Regulation 140/12
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act
Summary of Decision:
Regulation 454/09 has been amended to provide two annual 0.5 per cent increases for injured workers receiving Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) partial disability benefits. The first 0.5 per cent increase will be effective January 1, 2013, and the second 0.5 per cent increase will be effective January 1, 2014.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
See summary of decision
Contact Address:
Health and Safety Policy and Branch
400 University Avenue, 12th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1T7
Effective Date:
January 1, 2013