Consultation Requirement for Potential New Edition of the Building Code
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 332/12
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Building Code Act, 1992
Summary of Decision:
The amending regulations to the Building Code, O. Reg. 88/19, was filed on May 2, 2019. The amending regulation is available on e-Laws, Ontario's online databased of statues and regulations. See The Building Code is a regulation under the Building Code Act, 1992 (BCA).
On May 2, 2019, the Building Code was amended by Ontario Regulation 88/19. This amendment included provisions to align Ontario's Building Code with the 2015 amendments to the National Construction Codes in the areas of:
-fire safety measures include fire prevention and early detection and warning systems;
-structural sufficiency of building to withstand external forces and improve resilience;
-public health and safety requirements; and
accessibility requirements.
-Ontario Regulation 88/19 includes new requirements related to enhancing water conservation provisions and support the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan.
There are no administrative costs associated with these amendments to the Building Code.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
There are no administrative costs associated with these amendments to the Building Code.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 14, 2017
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA) is proposing to revoke the current version of the Building Code (Ontario Regulation 332/12) and replace it with a new edition under the Building Code Act, 1992. It is proposed that the new edition come into effect in January 2019.
-As part of developing the next edition of the Building Code, MMA is seeking input on proposed requirements to support the implementation of the government's Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), which was released in June 2016. To support CCAP, MMA is seeking input on proposed requirements to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the building sector through changes to the Building Code.
This consultation, launched on July 14, 2017, includes:
Implementing The Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP)
CCAP outlined specific actions for the building sector and Building Code to help Ontario reach GHG emissions reductions targets and to mitigate climate change; including:
-Updating the Building Code with long-term energy efficiency targets for new net zero carbon emission small buildings that will come into effect by 2030 at the latest.
-Increasing the use of electric vehicles by requiring that all new homes and workplaces in Ontario are equipped with electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
-Setting green development standards so municipalities would be able to pass bylaws related to certain green standards where there are technical standards in the Building Code and those standards are specifically identified for this purpose in the Building Code.
As part of the next edition of the Building Code, the Ontario government is proposing a range of initiatives to reduce GHG emissions, such as:
-Energy efficiency requirements for houses
-Energy efficiency in large buildings
-Energy efficient renovations in houses and large buildings
-Electric vehicle charging in new multi-unit residential buildings
-Other green technologies
Supporting Adaptation to Climate Change
A major impact of Climate Change is the potential for more extreme weather events. Proposed changes to the Building Code aim to make buildings more resilient during extreme weather events. MMA is currently seeking input on:
-Hurricane Straps in New Houses
Consultation Discussion Items: Potential Longer-Term Building Code Act and Building Code Amendments
In addition to the items set out above, this consultation process seeks to generate discussion on additional items that could inform potential future changes to the Building Code, or other regulations.
This phase of consultation will seek input on:
-Commissioning of Large Buildings
-Adaptive Thermostats
The ministry invites any feedback on these proposals. For more information regarding the consultation and how to submit your comments, please visit the websites below.
Contact Address:
2017 Next Edition Building Code Consultation
c/o Building and Development Branch
Ministry of Municipal Affairs
777 Bay Street -16th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5G 2E5
Effective Date:
May 2, 2019