
Cross-Boundary Service Integration: Amendments to the City of Toronto Act, 2006

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
City of Toronto Act, 2006
Summary of Proposal:
The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) and neighboring municipalities have developed a business case for cross-boundary service integration pilot projects on 24 corridors. The TTC has raised concerns about specific issues and legislative changes in the City of Toronto Act, 2006 (COTA) that would need to be addressed in order for the TTC to proceed with the projects.

On April 7, 2022, the Toronto City Council passed a motion to support a request to the province for legislative amendments to COTA. Under the current system, many transit routes end at the City of Toronto boundary, which leads to transit riders transferring to other municipal transit systems in order to continue their journey across municipal borders.

The proposed amendment, if passed, would make it easier for transit agencies to align routes to passengers' travel patterns. This would improve the transit experience from the riders' perspective and also reduce duplicative services on the same routes and create cost savings for operators that could be redirected to other transit service needs. In particular, the amendment would allow the TTC to enter into agreements with other municipal transit providers, authorizing them to operate transit services within the City of Toronto. The amendments would also, if passed, provide that any such agreement made for the purpose of transit service integration would not be considered a sale of business under provincial labour relations legislation and would not constitute "contracting out" of services for the purpose of the TTC's collective agreements with its bargaining agents.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The nature of the proposed amendment is an enabling change that supports the request of the municipalities. Implementation of the pilot routes is contingent on the Toronto Transit Commission and neighbouring transit systems entering into agreements with municipal partners. This enabling legislative change does not result in any added administrative or compliance costs or cost savings for businesses.

There are no implementation costs to the province associated with this proposal. However, if the TTC and neighbouring transit agencies pursue agreements and pilot routes as a result of this enabling legislative change, transit agencies could realize operating efficiencies from removing existing duplicate services, and these extra resources could be redeployed within the systems.

If the legislative barriers are not addressed, the status quo would remain, preventing transit agencies from pursuing cross-boundary transit service integration.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
August 10, 2022
Comments Due Date:
September 12, 2022
Contact Address:
12th Floor, 438 University Ave, Toronto, ON M7A 1Z8
Proposal Status:
Received Royal Assent on September 8, 2022