
2020-2025 Review of Ontario's Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Summary of Proposal:
We are seeking public feedback on what is working well and what could be improved regarding the current strategy. Also, please share any innovative and creative ideas and opportunities to work together with community partners, sectors and levels of government to combat human trafficking.

Your feedback will remain private and anonymous. We are seeking your feedback in 2 parts:

Part A: The effectiveness of our current strategy's 4 pillars and the associated programs and projects that support the Strategy.
Part B: Trends in human trafficking and associated gaps and challenges

You do not need to answer all the questions. You can answer as many questions as you like and submit your response whenever you are finished.

See attachment for list of questions for PART A and PART B.

Feedback from this review will inform our path forward on whether to:
• revise the strategy
• replace the strategy with a new one
• continue the existing strategy
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The review of Ontario's Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy will have no direct compliance costs or administrative impacts to any regulated stakeholders.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
August 13, 2024
Comments Due Date:
August 30, 2024
Contact Address:
Provincial Anti-Human Trafficking Coordination Office, MCCSS
315 Front St. W., 4th Floor
Toronto ON, M7A 0B8