Proposal for Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Reg 569: Reports and O. Reg 135/18: Designation of Diseases under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA)
Regulation Number(s):
569 and 135/18
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Summary of Proposal:
In May 2023, the World Health Organization confirmed that COVID-19 no longer fit the definition of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, given the disease was now well established and ongoing.
Currently circulating variants of COVID-19 in Ontario are no longer considered to be a 'novel coronavirus'. There is substantial population-level immunity secondary to vaccination and infection, and COVID-19 has been well studied to understand modes of transmission and methods to prevent its spread. Antivirals are available (e.g., Paxlovid) and vaccines are being reformulated to match circulating variants.
The Ministry of Health is proposing amendments to Regulation 569: Reports and O. Reg. 135/18: Designation of Diseases under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to remove COVID-19 from the list of diseases identified as being caused by a novel coronavirus, while still maintaining it as a Disease of Public Health Significance. This will limit the data required to be reported in connection with COVID-19. Amendments are also being proposed to Regulation 569: Reports, to exempt medical officers of health from having to forward a copy of the COVID-19 data (other than death data and outbreaks in specified institutions and hospitals) to the Ministry and Public Health Ontario; and remove the requirement for every person who performs COVID-19 point of care testing, who is not otherwise required to report under the HPPA or Regulation 569, to report every positive result to the medical officer of health.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
No new administrative, upfront, capital or ongoing operating costs are expected to businesses as a result of this regulatory amendment.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
June 3, 2024
Comments Due Date:
June 10, 2024
Contact Address:
Ministry of Health
Office of Chief Medical Officer of Health, Public Health
Health Protection Policy and Partnerships Branch
Infectious Diseases Policy and Programs
Box 12
Toronto, ON M7A 1N3