Amendments to O. Reg 137/15
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014
Summary of Decision:
In March 2019, the government passed the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA), as part of the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019. Under the CSPA, the term "police service" is used. To reflect the terminology in the CSPA, amendments were made to Ontario Regulation 137/15 under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) to substitute references to "a police force" with "a police service".
Typically, when proposing new regulations under the CCEYA, the Ministry of Education is required to post a description of the proposed regulation on Ontario's Regulatory Registry and allow for public comment on the proposal for at least 45 days.
However, clause (b) of subsection 84(6) of the CCEYA gives the Minister of Education authority to determine that no public consultation will be undertaken in certain circumstances. Given that the amending regulation is of a minor or technical nature, the Minister determined that no public or stakeholder consultations would be conducted in this instance.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
As the regulatory amendment was technical in nature (consequential language change), there is no additional regulatory burden on businesses in Ontario.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
Contact Address:
Ministry of Education
c/o Early Years and Child Care Division
315 Front Street West, 11th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 0B8
Effective Date:
April 1, 2024