Proposed framework for an Automated Commercial Motor Vehicle (ACMV) Pilot Program
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Proposal:
In 2016, Ontario introduced O. Reg. 306/15, Pilot Project - Automated Vehicles, enabling the testing of non-commercial Automated Vehicles (AVs) such as passenger vehicles, light-duty delivery trucks/vans, and small shuttles. As highly automated driving technologies continue to advance, the ministry has successfully collaborated with AV technology companies on pilot projects to test light-duty vehicles.
Ontario is now proposing a framework for a 10-year Automated Commercial Motor Vehicle (ACMV) Pilot Program that may be implemented through a new regulation under the Highway Traffic Act. The pilot program would permit eligible participants to test specific ACMVs (i.e., trucks over 4,500 kg) on Ontario's roads, under defined conditions.
Ontario is committed to supporting the safe adoption of new and emerging transportation technologies to improve road safety, enhance the transportation system, and bolster the economy.
The proposed pilot framework aims to safely test ACMV technologies to evaluate their performance and assess opportunities for improving road safety and supporting the trucking sector. It enables the ministry to establish rules, monitor industry and technology developments, and evaluate how ACMVs integrate with existing road users before considering broader deployment. Throughout the pilot phase, MTO would assess data and insights gathered from on-road testing of ACMVs, engage stakeholders, and make adjustments to the pilot framework, as required.
For more information on the ministry's proposal, please see the attached ACMV Pilot Framework document. We invite you to submit comments for MTO's consideration.
An information notice of this proposal has also been posted on the Environmental Registry:
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The proposed pilot program would support the research and development of automated technologies for some commercial motor vehicles in Ontario by allowing for safe and regulated testing on Ontario's roads. The program would evaluate potential opportunities to improve road safety and support goods movement, and have the potential to attract new business and research opportunities to the province, while helping grow Ontario's thriving Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and automotive sectors. The proposal aligns with Ontario's commitment to improve road safety, support workers, open the province to business, and support Ontario's growth in a globally competitive market by eliminating barriers for ACMV testing.
The proposed pilot may also provide long-term benefits to carriers, consumers, municipalities, and rural, remote and/or underserved communities by assessing opportunities for improving road safety and supporting an efficient movement of goods.
The trucking sector is vitally important to Ontario, with trucking companies working tirelessly to deliver the goods and services people across the province rely on. Each year, the trucking sector transports approximately $3 billion in goods across Ontario's highways. MTO consulted with truck carriers in developing an ACMV pilot framework. ACMV testing would begin with a qualified driver behind the wheel ready to take control if necessary. Participating ACMVs would be able to engage in commercial activity during testing.
The ACMV Pilot Program is a time-limited program (proposed to have a duration of 10 years) to authorize eligible and qualified stakeholders to test ACMVs on public roads. Participation in the pilot program is mandatory for those wishing to test ACMVs on Ontario roadways. There are no regulatory costs or new burdens imposed on stakeholders wishing to participate.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
October 16, 2024
Comments Due Date:
November 14, 2024
Contact Address:
12th Floor, 438 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M7A 1ZB