Proposed Environmental Activity and Sector Registry Regulations for Small Ground-Mounted Solar; Lithographic, Screen and Digital Printing; and Non-Hazardous Waste Transportation Systems, as well as Proposed Changes to the Standby Power Sytem Requirements Currently in O.Reg. 245/11
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Environmental Protection Act
Summary of Decision:
A decision has been made to prescribe the three activities noted above for the purposes of subsection 20.21 (1) of the Act. The regulations are:
- Ontario Regulation 349/12: Registrations Under Part II.2 of the Act - Solar Facilities
- Ontario Regulation 350/12: Registrations Under Part II.2 of the Act - Printing
- Ontario Regulation 351/12: Registrations Under Part II.2 of the Act - Waste Management Systems
If eligible, businesses must register these activities as of November 18, 2012.
A decision has also been made to amend Ontario Regulation 245/11 and create separate regulations for the activities previously prescribed for the purposes of the EASR. This has been done to facilitate the addition of future EASR activity and sector regulations and to make the EASR regulations easier to use. The regulations are as follows:
- Ontario Regulation 245/11: Registrations Under Part II.2 Of The Act - General
- Ontario Regulation 346/12: Registrations Under Part II.2 Of The Act - Heating Systems and Standby Power Systems
- Ontario Regulation 347/12: Registrations Under Part II.2 Of The Act - Automotive Refinishing
These changes also come into force on November 18, 2012.
All regulations were filed with the Registrar of Regulations on November 6, 2012.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 25, 2012
Summary of Proposal:
As part of the Ministry's ongoing work to implement the EASR, additional activities are being evaluated for their potential inclusion. This work involves comprehensive technical analysis and two periods of public consultation to ensure EASR activities are developed in a transparent and science-based manner and that the resulting eligibility and operating requirements are protective of the environment.
As a result of comments received with respect to the technical discussion papers previously posted on the Environmental and Regulatory Registries, the Ministry has decided, at this time, to consult on proposed regulations to allow three additional activities to register in the EASR (small ground-mounted solar; lithographic, screen and digital printing; and non-hazardous waste transportation systems) and proposed changes to the standby power system requirements.
Contact Address:
Gregory Zimmer
Senior Engineer
Ministry of the Environment
Environmental Programs Division
Modernization of Approvals Project
135 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 4
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1P5
Phone: (416) 325-7752
Effective Date:
November 18, 2012