Current Proposals

Instrument Type:  
Proposed amendments to the Insurance Act, and to Ontario Regulation 34/10 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule) (SABS) under the Insurance Act regarding optional benefits, priority of payment for SABS medical and rehabilitation benefits, and correct an error in the French-language version of the SABS.

The Ministry of Finance is seeking comments on its proposal to amend the Insurance Act, and Ontario Regulation 34/10 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule) under the Insurance Act, to: 1. Increase consumer choice by making all benefits other than medical, rehabilitation, and attendant care optional. 2. Require auto insurers to pay for medical and rehabilitation expenses before these expenses are paid under a supplementary health insurance plan. 3. Correct an error in the French-language version of the SABS.
Posting Date:  July 26, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 26, 2024 –  September 9, 2024

Proposed Life and Health Managing General Agent Legislative Framework in Ontario

The Ministry of Finance is seeking comments on proposed legislative amendments to the Insurance Act to create a regulatory framework for life and health managing general agents in the insurance sector to strengthen consumer protection.
Posting Date:  July 26, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 26, 2024 –  September 9, 2024

Consultation on Proposed Lieutenant Governor-in-Council Regulation made under the Combative Sports Act, 2019

The Ministry of Sport is proposing a new Lieutenant Governor-in-Council regulation to support the full proclamation of the Combative Sports Act, 2019, into force. If approved, the regulation would update licensing requirements for professional combative sports as well as permitting and enforcement details and requirements for professional and amateur combative sports in Ontario.
Posting Date:  July 25, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 25, 2024 –  September 8, 2024

Consultation on Proposed Minister's Regulations made under the Combative Sports Act, 2019

The Ministry of Sport is proposing new Minister's regulations to support the full proclamation of the Combative Sports Act, 2019 into force. If approved, Minister's regulations would prescribe rules and/or requirements in respect of a number of matters, including: •fees and eligible expenses for professional combative sport officials •rule sets for professional combative sports (boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts) •rule sets for various amateur combative sports, including mixed martial arts •providing for Minister exemptions from rule sets/approvals for new rule sets •appeals of professional combative sport contest bout results
Posting Date:  July 25, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 25, 2024 –  September 8, 2024

Amendment of Regulation O. Reg. 329/04 (General) under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) to provide validation, verification and authentication services and support access to personal health information held in the Electronic Health Record (EHR)

The Ministry of Health is posting a notice of two proposed amending regulations to O. Reg. 329/04 (General) under PHIPA for public consultation in the period July 6 to September 4, 2024. The aim is to provide a framework for: 1) Ontario Health's provision of validation, verification, authentication and Ontario Health Account management services to enable collection of health card information from an individual to support access to certain PHI from the EHR; and 2) OH to provide individual access to certain records of PHI in the EHR and certain electronic audit records kept by OH by clarifying the scope of records, OH's roles, responsibilities, and processes if s. 51(5) is proclaimed.
Posting Date:  July 5, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 5, 2024 –  September 4, 2024

Proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 207/01: Designation of Natural Products of Agriculture as Farm Products

In response to an industry request, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing to amend O. Reg. 207/01 (Designation of Natural Products of Agriculture as Farm Products), to designate turfgrass as a farm product.
Posting Date:  July 19, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 19, 2024 –  September 3, 2024

Expanding Protected Areas in Ontario - Sites Proposed to be Regulated under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario is proposing to expand its protected area system by increasing the size of a number of provincial parks and conservation reserves under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006.
Posting Date:  July 16, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 16, 2024 –  August 30, 2024

Modernizing wildland fire management in Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

To help communities prepare for an expected increase in wildland fires, Ontario is taking steps to modernize wildland fire management in Ontario and is proposing changes to the Forest Fires Prevention Act and wildland fire program that will strengthen community preparedness and response and improve prevention and mitigation.
Posting Date:  July 15, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 15, 2024 –  August 29, 2024

Engagement on Proposed Modernization of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

Emergency Management Ontario is engaging partners and stakeholders on proposed modernization of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to support a safe, practiced and prepared Ontario - before, during and after emergencies.
Posting Date:  July 3, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 3, 2024 –  August 26, 2024

Changes to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program related to Early Childhood Educators

MLITSD is proposing to amend O. Reg 422/17 (General) to allow early childhood educators (ECE) with a certificate of registration from the College of Early Childhood Educators to be exempt from meeting the education requirements for the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program's (OINP) Human Capital or French-Speaking Skilled Worker streams if they have obtained a certificate of registration from the College of Early Childhood Educators and are thus deemed to be job-ready.
Posting Date:  July 26, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 26, 2024 –  August 26, 2024

Discussion Paper: Regulating Commercial-Scale Geologic Carbon Storage Projects in Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are seeking feedback on the design of a regulatory framework for commercial-scale geologic carbon storage projects in Ontario that would enable the development of technology-ready commercial-scale projects and the continued testing and demonstration of newer carbon storage technologies.
Posting Date:  July 9, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 9, 2024 –  August 23, 2024

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act - Introduce a Permanent Funding Concerns Test and Remove the Transfer Ratio Disclosure Requirement for Listed Jointly Sponsored Pension Plans

The Ministry of Finance is seeking comments from stakeholders on amendments to Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act to introduce a permanent funding concerns test and remove a disclosure requirement for members' pension statements for listed jointly sponsored pension plans.
Posting Date:  July 8, 2024
Open for Comments:  July 8, 2024 –  August 22, 2024

Minister's Exemption from the Requirement to Hold a Liquid Propane Fitter (LP) Certificate to Purge Propane Tanks of 2,500 US gallons or less

Proposal from the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement.
Posting Date:  June 27, 2024
Open for Comments:  June 27, 2024 –  August 12, 2024

A Permanent Framework for Target Benefits

The Ministry of Finance is seeking a technical review of draft proposed regulations that would support the implementation of a permanent framework for target benefits. The government intends for the permanent target benefit framework to come into effect on January 1, 2025.
Posting Date:  June 26, 2024
Open for Comments:  June 26, 2024 –  August 12, 2024

2020-2025 Review of Ontario's Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy

We are working to combat human trafficking through Ontario's five-year Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy that began in 2020. Our strategy has focused on four key pillars: 1. Raise Awareness of the Issue 2. Protect Victims and Intervene Early 3. Support Survivors 4. Hold Offenders Accountable. As the five-year strategy is coming to a conclusion, we are looking for feedback that will help shape Ontario's next steps in combatting human trafficking - including how we can better support survivors and protect people who experience greater risk of being targeted and trafficked.
Posting Date:  May 23, 2024
Open for Comments:  May 23, 2024 –  August 9, 2024

Proposal to amend O. Reg. 509/18 under the Electricity Act, 1998 ("Efficiency Regulation")

We are proposing amendments to O.Reg. 509/18 (Energy and Water Efficiency - Appliances and Products) ("Efficiency Regulation"), made under the Electricity Act, 1998 to harmonize the standards for 42 products through rolling incorporation by reference to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) standards, and housekeeping amendments to revoke now obsolete efficiency requirements for three products regulated under the Efficiency Regulation. These changes are administrative in nature and would have no impact on energy use or GHG emissions.
Posting Date:  June 18, 2024
Open for Comments:  June 18, 2024 –  August 2, 2024

Consultation on the 2025 National Construction Codes

Ontario's Building Code is a regulation under the Building Code Act, 1992 which sets out minimum administrative and technical requirements for new construction, renovation, and change of use of buildings. New editions or major amendments to Ontario's Building Code are generally released every five years to coincide with updates to the National Construction Codes.
Posting Date:  May 29, 2024
Open for Comments:  May 29, 2024 –  July 29, 2024