Regulatory Registry News

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Current Feed Items

Recent events on the Registry, including new and updated proposals and approved regulations

Changes to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program related to Early Childhood Educators

MLITSD is proposing to amend O. Reg 422/17 (General) to allow early childhood educators (ECE) with a certificate of registration from the College of Early Childhood Educators to be exempt from meeting the education requirements for the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program's (OINP) Human Capital or French-Speaking Skilled Worker streams if they have obtained a certificate of registration from the College of Early Childhood Educators and are thus deemed to be job-ready.

Consultation on Proposed Minister's Regulations made under the Combative Sports Act, 2019

The Ministry of Sport is proposing new Minister's regulations to support the full proclamation of the Combative Sports Act, 2019 into force. If approved, Minister's regulations would prescribe rules and/or requirements in respect of a number of matters, including: •fees and eligible expenses for professional combative sport officials •rule sets for professional combative sports (boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts) •rule sets for various amateur combative sports, including mixed martial arts •providing for Minister exemptions from rule sets/approvals for new rule sets •appeals of professional combative sport contest bout results

Consultation on Proposed Lieutenant Governor-in-Council Regulation made under the Combative Sports Act, 2019

The Ministry of Sport is proposing a new Lieutenant Governor-in-Council regulation to support the full proclamation of the Combative Sports Act, 2019, into force. If approved, the regulation would update licensing requirements for professional combative sports as well as permitting and enforcement details and requirements for professional and amateur combative sports in Ontario.

Proposed Legislative Amendments to the Line Fences Act

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing amendments to the Line Fences Act (LFA) to reduce some burdens under the LFA, provide clarity by aligning the legislation with the Municipal Act, 2001, and modernize the LFA by aligning it with the government's mandate of Building a Digital Ontario.

Proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 207/01: Designation of Natural Products of Agriculture as Farm Products

In response to an industry request, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing to amend O. Reg. 207/01 (Designation of Natural Products of Agriculture as Farm Products), to designate turfgrass as a farm product.

Regulatory fee increase for use of facilities for post-mortem examinations

The Ministry of the Solicitor General intends to make a minister's regulation amendment to increase the provincial fee paid to a hospital or other place, for use of the facilities for post-mortem examinations. This increase in the fee is intended to cover hospital overheads related to post-mortem examinations.

Modernizing wildland fire management in Ontario

To help communities prepare for an expected increase in wildland fires, Ontario is taking steps to modernize wildland fire management in Ontario and is proposing changes to the Forest Fires Prevention Act and wildland fire program that will strengthen community preparedness and response and improve prevention and mitigation.

Discussion Paper: Regulating Commercial-Scale Geologic Carbon Storage Projects in Ontario

We are seeking feedback on the design of a regulatory framework for commercial-scale geologic carbon storage projects in Ontario that would enable the development of technology-ready commercial-scale projects and the continued testing and demonstration of newer carbon storage technologies.

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act - Introduce a Permanent Funding Concerns Test and Remove the Transfer Ratio Disclosure Requirement for Listed Jointly Sponsored Pension Plans

The Ministry of Finance is seeking comments from stakeholders on amendments to Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act to introduce a permanent funding concerns test and remove a disclosure requirement for members' pension statements for listed jointly sponsored pension plans.

Amendment of Regulation O. Reg. 329/04 (General) under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) to provide validation, verification and authentication services and support access to personal health information held in the Electronic Health Record (EHR)

The Ministry of Health is posting a notice of two proposed amending regulations to O. Reg. 329/04 (General) under PHIPA for public consultation in the period July 6 to September 4, 2024. The aim is to provide a framework for: 1) Ontario Health's provision of validation, verification, authentication and Ontario Health Account management services to enable collection of health card information from an individual to support access to certain PHI from the EHR; and 2) OH to provide individual access to certain records of PHI in the EHR and certain electronic audit records kept by OH by clarifying the scope of records, OH's roles, responsibilities, and processes if s. 51(5) is proclaimed.

Automated Vehicle Permit (Licence Plate) Renewal - Regulation

Proposed amendments to the vehicle permit (licence plate) regulation that would, if approved, enable implementation of an automated vehicle permit renewal process.

Amendments to O. Reg 137/15

Consequential to subsection 2 (1) of Schedule 1 (Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019) to the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 coming into force, amendments to Ontario Regulation 137/15 under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) were made to substitute references to "a police force" with "a police service ".

Minister's Exemption from the Requirement to Hold a Liquid Propane Fitter (LP) Certificate to Purge Propane Tanks of 2,500 US gallons or less

Proposal from the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement.

Proposed changes to how verification certificates are issued for incinerators regulated under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 (NMA).

We are proposing changes to the Disposal of Dead Farm Animals regulation made under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002. These changes will allow verification certificates to be issued to demonstrate incinerators meet the requirements of the regulation. We are also seeking input on opportunities to make the verification certificate more efficient.

Proposed New Surety Bonding Requirements for Large Non-P3 Infrastructure Projects

The Ministry of Infrastructure (MOI) and the Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) are considering potential regulatory amendments under the Construction Act to prescribe surety bonding requirements for large public infrastructure projects that are not Public-Private Partnerships (P3s).