Regulation - LGIC

Air Brake Renewal Knowledge Test and Learning Modules

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Proposal:
An air brake (Z) endorsement on the driver's licence (DL) is required to operate a vehicle equipped with air brakes. To obtain an air brake endorsement, individuals must successfully complete an air brake knowledge and practical test at a DriveTest Centre (DTC) or through the Driver Certification Program (DCP).

To maintain an air brake endorsement, individuals must successfully complete an air brake knowledge test ($16) prior to renewing their DL (usually every 5 years) either at a DTC or through an approved DCP provider. Air brake knowledge testing at renewal provides an opportunity for air brake endorsement holders to review Ontario's air brake standards and regulations.

Air brake learning modules are introduced as an alternative to the air brake renewal knowledge test as an opportunity to reduce burden for individuals and continue to enhance knowledge of air brake systems and regulations. The proposed fee for the learning modules is $16.00, consistent with the air brake knowledge test.

MTO will introduce the air brake learning module in a phased approach, beginning with DCP organizations that deliver air brake knowledge tests for renewals, and then expanding to all air brake endorsement holders.

This allows MTO to introduce the air brake learning module gradually in a controlled environment and make necessary updates before introducing the air brake learning module for all air brake holders for renewals.

1. In the first phase, DCP participants will complete the air brake learning module through their DCP organization:
• DCP organizations will record the completion of the air brake learning module into the DCP
system to update MTO records. This is similar to the existing process with knowledge and
road/practical tests.
• DCP participants continue to attend a DTC to pay renewal fees and complete the renewal, or
a ServiceOntario centre if all testing is completed.
• MTO will work with DCP to implement the learning module, obtain feedback, and make
necessary updates to ensure the learning modules are delivered effectively and achieved the
desired outcomes.

2. In the second phase, all air brake endorsement holders can complete the air brake learning modules at home or may complete the air brake knowledge test through a DTC. DCP participants may also complete the learning modules or the current knowledge test.
• If drivers complete the air brake learning module at home, they will print or download a
certificate of completion and attend a DTC to complete the renewal and pay the appropriate
o If the driver is only required to complete the air brake requirement for renewal, they
must pay the $16.00.
o If drivers also hold a commercial class licence, they must complete a vision test,
commercial knowledge test, air brake knowledge test and pay a total fee of $23.75.
• Once all renewal requirements are satisfied, they pay the renewal fee and complete the
renewal transaction.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
RIA process initiated but not yet completed. Feedback received from the RIA process will be captured in the LRC approval form.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 30, 2023
Comments Due Date:
March 16, 2023
Contact Address:
87 William Hearst Avenue, Rm B-051
Downsview, ON
M3M 0B4