Schools, Private Schools and Day Nurseries, O. Reg 243/07 (Amendment to O. Reg. 169/03 and Revocation of O. Reg. 173/03)
Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg 243/07
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002
Summary of Decision:
Regulation 243/07 was made in order to reduce children's exposure to lead in drinking water. The regulation incorporates the flushing requirements set out in O. Reg. 173/03 (the previously existing flushing regulation), which would ensure that continued protection from microbiological contamination through weekly flushing is maintained. It also introduces enhanced daily flushing and new lead testing requirements for schools, private schools and day nurseries. These new requirements will come into effect immediately and are designed to ensure that exposure of children to lead is minimized.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
June 18, 2007
Summary of Proposal:
Lead is a health concern particularly for young children and pregnant women. Long-term chronic exposure may increase the risk of subtle impairments to intellectual development. Flushing of plumbing has been shown to reduce lead levels in water at the tap.
This regulation is one component of the Government of Ontario's Lead Action Plan, a multi-faceted program to reduce Ontarians' exposure to lead in drinking water. Additional proposed elements of this program have been posted on the Environmental Registry for a 15 day public comment period. Please refer to EBR posting 010-0743 to provide comments and feedback on this program.
In April 2007, the City of London reported elevated lead levels from drinking water samples taken at the tap. Subsequently, the Chief Drinking Water Inspector (CDWI) issued orders to 36 municipalities to conduct precautionary testing for lead in drinking water in older homes serviced by lead lines on May 23, 2007. The government has reviewed the preliminary findings of these tests and is introducing new requirements for daily flushing of water systems in all schools, private schools, and day nurseries. The new requirements are based on advice of the government's Advisory Council on Drinking Water Quality and Testing Standards regarding corrosion control (refer to EBR posting 010-0725).
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
June 7, 2007