Measures to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water - Proposal to Amend the Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03
Regulation Number(s):
O.Reg. 170/03
O. Reg. 399/07
O. Reg. 400/07
O. Reg. 401/07
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002
Summary of Decision:
The regulations containing the proposed amendments were filed with the Registrar of Regulations on July 26, 2007 as O. Reg. 399/07, O. Reg. 400/07, and as O. Reg. 401/07. The regulations came into force on the day they were filed.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
June 28, 2007
Summary of Proposal:
The government is taking the following steps :
The government has made a new regulation that will reduce children's exposure to lead in drinking water, O.Reg. 243/07 (Schools, Private Schools and Day Nurseries - refer to EBR posting 010-0734), by putting in place measures to:
- require all schools and day nurseries built before 1990 to flush their plumbing daily;
- continue requirements for all schools and day nurseries built after 1989 to flush weekly; and
- require all schools to test for lead in water from taps on an annual basis.
- require all day nurseries built before 1990 to test for lead in water from taps on an annual basis.
Proposing several non-regulatory elements to increase preventative action on lead in drinking water:
- Developing provincial and municipal public education campaigns that target vulnerable communities and the neighbourhoods most likely to have lead lines and/or lead in plumbing fixtures and solder in their residences.
- Developing best practices that encourage municipalities to offer on-bill financing as a way to make lead plumbing replacement more affordable for homeowners.
Proposing new, more stringent regulatory requirements for drinking water systems to protect Ontarians. These requirements would include the following components (numbers 1 to 3 are described in more detail in the remainder of this posting):
1. Mandatory community-wide lead testing;
2. Notification of results from the community testing program, including record retention and reporting requirements;
3. Development and implementation of corrosion control measures for lead reduction;
4. Requirements that municipalities project the financial activities related to the lead asset replacement as part of their Financial Plans (refer to EBR update of posting 010-0490).
The measures outlined in this proposal will be modified as necessary to apply to drinking water systems where the treatment system and distribution system are under separate ownership.
Contact Address:
Sharon Bailey
Ministry of the Environment
Land and Water Policy Branch
135 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 6
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1P5
Phone: (416) 314-7020
Fax: (416) 326-0461
Effective Date:
July 26, 2007