Potential changes to how claim staking and mineral exploration would be conducted on property where the mining rights and surface rights are held separately
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990
Summary of Proposal:
In March 2006, the government released Ontario's Mineral Development Strategy to reinforce the province's international position as a leading mining jurisdiction and foster responsible mineral development for the benefit of all citizens of Ontario. Ontario's Mineral Development Strategy contains action items under four strategic objectives:
1. Promoting long-term sustainability and global competitiveness
2. Supporting modern, safe and environmentally sound exploration and mining
3. Clarifying and modernizing mineral resource stewardship
4. Promoting community development and opportunities for all
Under the third strategic objective, the Strategy aims to clarify Ontario's mineral exploration rules by proposing amendments to the Mining Act and its regulations to address concerns of surface rights holders and to provide the mineral exploration industry with certainty of investment through clearer rules for exploration in the province. The ministry is now seeking input on its proposal to develop the framework for clarifying notification and consent rules, and allowing for less intrusive staking methods.
The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM) is also undertaking a comprehensive engagement process aimed at continuing to develop a more effective Aboriginal consultation approach for mineral sector activities. The ministry is committed to meeting its duty to consult with Aboriginal communities and to ensuring that activities within its jurisdiction occur in a manner that is consistent with the Crown's obligations concerning Aboriginal and treaty rights.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 25, 2007
Comments Due Date:
September 16, 2007