Proposed Amendment 2 (2012) to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006.
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Places to Grow Act, 2005
Summary of Decision:
As part of the consultation on Proposed Amendment 2 (2012) to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006, the Ministry also consulted on possible transition provisions. The proposal was to amend the existing transition regulation, O. Reg. 311/06 (Transitional Matters - Growth Plans) to permit most decisions on matters in process, as well as some future matters, to be made as if an amendment had not come into effect.
Amendment 2 which was approved on May 29, 2013 (Order-in-Council No 767/2013) addresses transitional matters by adding new transition policies (5.4.5) to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006. This approach provides greater certainty and clarity to matters in process and addresses feedback from public consultation. The transition policies specify which population and employment forecasts are to be applied to specific planning matters (both in process and future matters), as well as the applicable time horizon by which the Plan's policies are intended to be achieved.
The Minister has amended O.Reg 311/06 to implement Amendment 2. The amendment to the transition regulation provides that Amendment 2 applies where the transition regulation requires matters in process to be continued and disposed of in accordance with the Growth Plan, with certain minor exceptions.
O. Reg 311/06 is also being amended to clarify that references to policies within the regulation are references to policies of the Growth Plan.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
November 2, 2012
Summary of Proposal:
TThe Minister of Infrastructure is seeking feedback on Proposed Amendment 2 (2012) to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006, which was released on November 2, 2012. Proposed Amendment 2 includes extended forecasts for upper- and single-tier municipalities to 2041 and outlines proposed policies relating to those forecasts. Updating the Growth Plan?s forecasts will help ensure that we continue to manage growth responsibly. For more information on Proposed Amendment 2, please visit
With respect to the implementation of the Amendment, if approved, the Ministry is also consulting on possible transition provisions. These provisions may be set out by the Minister in a regulation pursuant to section 19 of the Places to Grow Act, 2005. The regulation is intended to clarify how planning matters that are currently in process would be affected by the Amendment, if approved.
The Minister is proposing to amend the existing transition regulation, Ontario Regulation 311/06, to permit most decisions on matters in process, as well as some future matters, to be made as if any amendment had not come into effect. These matters could include:
- Upper-tier official plan amendments being made to bring the official plan into conformity with the Growth Plan that are currently before the Ontario Municipal Board;
- Lower-tier official plan amendments to bring official plans into conformity with the Growth Plan and the applicable upper-tier official plan, including official plan amendments a lower-tier municipality has not yet commenced; and
- Zoning by-law amendments being undertaken to implement the above conformity official plan amendments.
It is proposed that any regulation be made to come into effect on the same date as any amendment. We are seeking your feedback on such a regulation.
Contact Address:
Hannah Evans
Director, Partnership & Consultation
Ontario Growth Secretariat
4th Flr Suite 425
777 Bay St
Toronto, ON
M5G 2E5
Effective Date:
June 17, 2013