
Stewardship - Leadership - Accountability. Managing Ontario's Water Resources for Future Generations

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Summary of Decision:
The following water conservation and efficiency goals, and objectives have been
adopted by Ontario:

ONTARIO'S WATER CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY GOALS (Identical to the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement)

1. Ensuring improvement of the waters and water dependent natural resources;
2. Protecting and restoring the hydrologic and ecosystem integrity of the Basin;
3. Retaining the quantity of surface water and groundwater in the Basin;
4. Ensuring sustainable use of waters of the Basin; and,
5. Promoting the efficiency of use and reducing losses and waste of water.


1. Guide programs toward long-term sustainable water use and management including taking ecosystem needs for water into account.
2. Adopt and implement supply and demand management to promote efficient use and conservation of water resources.
3. Improve monitoring and standardize data reporting among state and provincial water conservation and efficiency programs.
4. Develop science, technology and research.
5. Develop education programs and information sharing for all water users.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement was created to protect and conserve the shared waters of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin. The governments of Ontario, Quebec, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Indiana are parties to the Agreement. In 2007, all parties agreed to Basin-wide water conservation goals and objectives. Under the Agreement, each jurisdiction committed to developing water conservation goals and objectives consistent with the Basin-wide goals and objectives. On August 5, 2009, the ministries of the Environment and Natural Resources posted a Proposal Notice on the Environmental Registry to seek public input on proposals for implementing key Ontario commitments under the Agreement. Among the proposals consulted on was the development of Ontario water conservation and efficiency goals and objectives, as committed to under the Agreement.
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
November 8, 2012