Amendments to the General Regulation (Ontario Regulation 242/08) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to prescribe the habitat for six species at risk and amend the habitat regulation for one species at risk
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Endangered Species Act, 2007
Summary of Decision:
A decision was made on December 9, 2013 to proceed with the proposal.
The proposal was implemented by an amendment to O. Reg. 242/08 (General) by O. Reg. 323/13. This regulation amendment was filed by the Registrar of Regulations on December 13, 2013 and was published in the Ontario Gazette on December 28, 2013.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
June 3, 2013
Summary of Proposal:
Under the ESA, the MNR is required to give notice to the public under of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 of a proposal to make a regulation (amending Ontario Regulation 242/08) that would prescribe an area as the habitat of a species which is listed on the SARO List as endangered or threatened.
On September 28, 2010, six species were added to the SARO List as endangered.
This proposal is related to the proposed regulation to prescribe the habitat for the following six species at risk:
Bogbean Buckmoth
Four-leaved Milkweed
Fowler's Toad
Laura's Clubtail
Rusty-patched Bumble Bee
On July 1, 2012 a habitat regulation came in to force for Pale-bellied Frost Lichen. Since that time, several new local populations outside of the current geographic area of application for this regulation have been discovered, indicating a wider geographic distribution of the species in Ontario than previously understood. As a result, this proposal also seeks to give notice to the public of a proposed amendment to the geographic area of application of the habitat regulation for Pale-bellied Frost Lichen to encompass known / expected areas of occurrence of this endangered lichen.
Details on these species' habitat and the draft content of the proposed regulations and amendment for these species at risk were developed based on the best available scientific information. To provide a level of certainty to areas that are protected, in some cases the proposed regulation has been defined on specific features, geography, and known and historic occurrences. To the extent possible, the government would like to protect the habitat of a species where it occurs and is interested in perspectives that would provide additional details on locations that could be protected outside those identified in the current proposal.
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
January 1, 2014