Regulation - LGIC

Amendment to O. Reg. 287/07 to include Rama First Nation's Drinking Water System in the Source Protection Planning Process Pursuant to the Clean Water Act, 2006

Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 287/07
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Clean Water Act, 2006
Summary of Decision:
With the passage of this amendment the Chippewas of Rama First Nation's drinking water system will now be included in the source protection planning process for the South Georgian Bay-Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region. Policies included in the source protection plan developed by the local source protection committee would ensure an added level of protection for the source water and would take effect along with the rest of the plan.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
October 17, 2013
Summary of Proposal:
The Clean Water Act received Royal Assent on October 19, 2006 and came into effect on July 7, 2007. The purpose of the Act is to protect existing and future sources of drinking water through the development of collaborative, locally driven, science-based protection plans.

The Act applies primarily to municipal drinking water systems.

First Nations with reserves in source protection areas may submit a Band Council Resolution to the Minister of the Environment requesting that a regulation be made to include an existing or planned drinking water system that serves or will serve a reserve in the applicable drinking water source protection planning process.

Two First Nations, the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point, and the Six Nations of the Grand River previously requested to have their drinking water systems included in the source protection process and were included through regulatory amendments made in 2010.

The ministry has received a Band Council Resolution from a third First Nation, the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, requesting the making of a regulation to have their system included in the source protection process.

The Chippewas of Rama First Nation reserve is located in the Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching watersheds and is in the Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching/Black River source protection area (South Georgian Bay-Lake Simcoe source protection region). The South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee has worked closely with the Rama First Nation throughout the source protection planning process.
Contact Address:
Source Protection Programs Branch
40 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 14
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1M2
Effective Date:
July 1, 2014