Western Climate Initiative Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Proposal
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Summary of Proposal:
Ontario is part of the Western Climate Initiative (WCI), which is a multi-state and multi-province effort to develop a regional market-based approach for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The WCI is proposing a broad cap-and-trade program to be part of the comprehensive regional efforts to reduce emissions of GHGs to achieve the WCI 2020 regional goal. Mandatory measurement and reporting is proposed to support the cap-and-trade program. These reporting requirements will be considered by Ontario in the development of Ontario's own cap-and-trade program.
After WCI reporting consultations are completed, the WCI expects to release the final model rule, which can then be adopted by partner jurisdictions into their own regulations to the extent that the final model rules are customizable to the laws of the individual jurisdiction. The ministry has decided to publish this information notice to alert the public of the WCI's proposal. Ontario will provide further opportunities for stakeholder input through on-going Ontario based cap-and-trade consultations launched December 10, 2008, and as Ontario works with the federal government to minimize duplicative reporting requirements. It is in this context that Ontario will consult with stakeholders on its own reporting proposal over the coming months.
On January 6, 2009, WCI released draft essential requirements for mandatory reporting; details of the proposed requirements can be found at http://www.westernclimateinitiative.org/WCI_Documents.cfm. WCI is seeking stakeholder input and comments on the requirements by January 20, 2009.
Ontario industries and other stakeholders are encouraged to review the WCI essential requirements and provide input directly to the WCI by the January 20, 2009 deadline. If needed, Ontario Ministry of the Environment staff are also available to provide information on the proposal and can be contacted through the contact listed in the Environmental Registry posting.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 9, 2009
Comments Due Date:
January 20, 2009