Consolidation of livestock and poultry carcass grading
Regulation Number(s):
Regulation 379 Grades – Hog Carcasses
Regulation 380 Grades – Lamb and Mutton Carcasses
Regulation 381 Grades – Poultry
Regulation 382 Grades – Veal Carcasses
O. Reg. 685/94 – Beef
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Food Safety and Quality Act (FSQA) 2001
Summary of Proposal:
Currently, these regulations made under the Farm Products Grades and Sales Act (FPGSA) refer to a number of outdated federal weight and grading standards.
OMAFRA proposes to revoke these five carcass grading regulations and develop one single regulation under the FSQA, referencing the current federal weight and grade standards for carcasses in the Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Regulations (LPCGR) under the Canada Agricultural Products Act (CAPA). The proposed regulation would also provide additional provisions for labelling and marking of beef and veal to ensure proper identification of both market classes in provincial meat plants.
Parallel amendments also would be proposed to Regulation 55 (Weighing of Carcasses) under the Beef Cattle Marketing Act (BCMA) in addition to amendments transferring the responsibility for the accuracy of scales from the inspector to the meat plant operator.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
April 16, 2009
Comments Due Date:
May 16, 2009
Contact Address:
Yves Tremblay
Policy Advisor
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Policy and Programs Division
Strategic Policy Branch
77 Grenville Street
Floor 11
Toronto Ontario
M7A 1B3
fax: (416) 326-9892