Quetico Provincial Park Management Plan Review
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 346/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act
Summary of Proposal:
This Notice of Proposal coincides with the formal notice of the opportunity to review the revised preliminary park management plan. It is the fifth of six stages in the management planning process, and will be followed by release of the approved park management plan.
The web-link listed below provides additional information on the management plan review process.
The revised preliminary park management plan includes proposed direction that would require regulation changes, including:
- allow continued motorized guiding by members of the Lac La Croix Guides Association on ten lakes (which is reduced from the twenty lakes permitted previously);
- identify four lakes where aircraft landing is permitted by members of the Lac La Croix Guides Association;
- identify two lakes where commercial outfitters may land aircraft;
- allow licensed trappers to land aircraft in certain circumstances; and
- allow landing of aircraft on two lakes for access to private property.
If the park management plan is approved, subsequent regulation changes will be made to Ontario Regulation 346/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act (Mechanized Travel in Wilderness Parks). No additional opportunity for public comment on these regulation changes will be provided via the Environmental Registry.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
May 3, 2017
Comments Due Date:
July 4, 2017