
Food and Organic Waste Framework

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Summary of Decision:
Following consultations, we are releasing the Food and Organic Waste Framework to prevent and reduce food and organic waste, rescue surplus food, collect and recover food and organic waste and support beneficial end-uses. This will help the province build a circular economy and fight climate change.

A decision has been made to finalize the Food and Organic Waste Framework (Framework), based on input received from stakeholders and the public on the proposed Framework posted on November 16, 2017 for public comment.

The Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy, released on February 28, 2017, committed the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to develop a Food and Organic Waste Framework to reduce the volume of food and organic waste sent to disposal. The Framework will help the province build a circular economy while contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases and achieving the province's Climate Change Action Plan targets.

The Framework consists of two complementary components:
• Food and Organic Waste Action Plan, which outlines strategic commitments to be taken by the province to address food and organic waste.
• Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, which provides direction to the province, municipalities, producers, Industrial, Commercial & Institutional (IC&I) sector (e.g. retailers, manufacturers, hospitals, schools), the waste management sector and others to further the provincial interest in waste reduction and resource recovery as it relates to food and organic waste.

The Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement was issued by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, pursuant to Section 11 of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, on April 30, 2018 and is now in effect.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
November 16, 2017
Summary of Proposal:
The province has developed a proposed Food and Organic Waste Framework ("Framework"). Together with the Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building a Circular Economy and Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan, the proposed Framework will help Ontario build a circular economy and fight climate change. The Framework consists of two complementary components:
• Part A: Proposed Food and Organic Waste Action Plan which outlines strategic commitments to be taken by the province to address food and organic waste; and,
• Part B: Proposed Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, which provides direction to the province, municipalities, producers, IC&I sector, waste management sector, and others to further the provincial interest in waste reduction and resource recovery as it relates to food and organic waste.

Ontario is shifting to a circular economy - a system in which materials are never discarded, but reused or recycled into new products and reintegrated into the market. Managing our resources more effectively will benefit Ontarians, our environment and the economy.

In developing the proposed Framework, the province considered a number of key guiding principles, including:
• Enhancing existing partnerships with stakeholders and building new relationships
• Building on progress made in Ontario and learning from other leading jurisdictions
• Collaborating across all levels of government to avoid duplication
• Supporting an outcome-based approach
• Using evidence to guide decision making
• Using regulatory and non-regulatory tools
• Creating conditions that support sustainable end-markets
• Increasing the use of innovative technologies
• Enabling efficient and effective recovery systems
• Recognizing the administrative impacts and costs to recover resources from organic materials

The proposed Framework strives towards the achievement of the following objectives:
• Reduce food and organic waste: Preventing food from becoming waste is a critical first step and has the greatest positive impact on the environment, the economy and society. Rescuing surplus food further reduces food waste and ensures that edible food does not end up as waste.
• Recover resources from food waste and organic waste: Increasing resource recovery, in particular, from multi-unit residential buildings and the IC&I sector will help the province reach its zero waste and zero greenhouse gas emission goals.
• Support resource recovery infrastructure: Turning food and organic waste into valuable products recognizes the economic benefits of a circular economy. It is important that Ontario has sufficient infrastructure capacity and innovative technologies to process food and organic waste into valuable resources, such as nutrients, and renewable natural gas.
• Promote beneficial uses of recovered resources: Supporting beneficial end-products and sustainable markets for organic materials is critical. This includes making beneficial uses of recovered resources to support healthy soils which promote crop growth and enhance carbon storage, as well as end-products like renewable natural gas, electricity and biofuels which replace carbon-intensive fossil fuels.
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
April 30, 2018