
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Protection Discussion Paper

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Summary of Proposal:
The Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008 provides authority for a shoreline protection regulation to regulate activities that may adversely affect the ecological health of the Lake Simcoe watershed. The regulation may apply to areas within or close to the shoreline area of Lake Simcoe, a permanent or intermittent stream, or a wetland.

The Plan commits the province to develop a draft shoreline protection regulation within one year, by June, 2010, (policy 6.16-SA).

The Ministry is moving ahead with the first step in examining potential elements of a draft shoreline protection regulation, by releasing a discussion paper that provides conceptual approaches to regulating certain activities which may become part of a future regulation.

The discussion paper addresses the following key activities:

For shoreline areas:

Restrictions on vegetation removal and requirements for establishing vegetated buffers
Restrictions on septic systems within 100m of shoreline
Restrictions on fertilizer use

For wetlands:

Enhanced enforcement (stop-work orders) for interference with wetlands
Restrictions on vegetation removal in and around wetlands
The discussion paper also identifies the possible need to clarify a few matters addressed in the Plan, including significant shoreline alteration and wetland drainage.

The discussion paper provides some broad principles that outline how a proposed regulation may be implemented in the future. A future shoreline regulation may rely on a mix of soft and hard compliance tools, building on existing tools and mechanisms to the extent possible. If the province chooses to proceed, it may utilize existing agencies and programs wherever possible for implementation to avoid duplication and to maximize cost effectiveness.

Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
March 15, 2010
Comments Due Date:
April 3, 2010