Regulation - LGIC

Proposal to transfer requirements from Ontario's industrial effluent monitoring and limits regulations into Environmental Compliance Approvals and revoke the regulations

Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 215/95 (Electric Power Generating Sector)
Ontario Regulation 64/95 (Inorganic Chemical Sector)
Ontario Regulation 561/94 (Industrial Minerals Sector)
Ontario Regulation 214/95 (Iron and Steel Manufacturing Sector)
Ontario Regulation 562/94 (Metal Casting Sector)
Ontario Regulation 560/94 (Metal Mining Sector)
Ontario Regulation 63/95 (Organic Chemical Manufacturing Sector)
Ontario Regulation 537/93 (Petroleum Sector)
Ontario Regulation 760/93 (Pulp and Paper Sector)
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Environmental Protection Act
Summary of Proposal:
We are proposing to transfer requirements from Ontario's sector-specific industrial effluent monitoring and limits regulations into individual Environmental Compliance Approvals, and then revoke these regulations.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The proposed changes will:
•help to create a level playing field by ensuring facilities in the same industrial sector are governed by the same legal tool (i.e., ECA's) and have the same opportunities to apply for changes to the requirements applicable to them, and
•maintain the current level of environmental oversight for the regulated facilities.

Revoking these regulations will not change any requirements applicable to the currently regulated facilities as the requirements will be first transferred into individual ECA's for the facilities.

However, the revocation will enable the owners of these facilities to apply for ECA amendments to address changes in:
•production processes;
•production rates;
•raw materials used; and
•wastewater treatment processes, with consideration of the assimilative capacity of the water body receiving the treated effluent.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
October 22, 2019
Comments Due Date:
December 6, 2019