Amendments to the Pesticide Regulation (63/09 General)
Regulation Number(s):
63/09 General
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Pesticide Act
Summary of Proposal:
We are proposing to remove duplication and update Ontario's pesticides regulation.
To achieve this objective, we are proposing to end Ontario's duplicative application process for the classification of pesticides and align with the federal government's application process, as all other provinces do. This proposal would harmonize Ontario's pesticides classes with the federal categories. Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, registers pesticides after completing a rigorous review of scientific studies on potential impacts on human health and the environment. Health Canada's PMRA is resourced and equipped to review and register pesticides for all of Canada and is something all other provinces have recognized. Ontario would continue to maintain Ontario's general regulatory requirements, including licensing and permitting realigned to the federal categories. See below for more details on revised classification.
However, Ontario will continue to deviate from the federal government in two key ways. Ontario will maintain its cosmetic pesticide ban and restrictions on the sale and use of neonicotinoid (NNI)-treated corn and soybean seeds.
Ontario recognizes that Health Canada's PMRA is currently reviewing Canada's historic approval of the use of neonicotinoid pesticides and looks forward to the results of that review as early as next year.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
Estimated impacts
There are no financial impacts to Ontarians associated with this proposal.
The proposed legislation and associated regulatory changes are expected to have positive impacts on commercial users and vendors of pesticides who would be able to bring pesticides to market and access pesticides immediately upon federal registration. Eliminating Ontario's classification process would also remove administrative cost and time delays associated with the application and classification process, improving the efficiency in accessing pesticides for sale and use in Ontario. Administrative cost savings are also anticipated by reducing requirements associated with the sale and use of NNI​​​​​​​-treated seeds and exceptions to the cosmetic ban.
Positive impacts are also estimated for small businesses and farmers by making pesticides immediately available for sale and use upon federal registration, eliminating the time-lag in pesticides available in Ontario compared to those available in other provinces.
The proposed legislation and regulatory changes are not anticipated to have significant environmental impacts.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
October 28, 2019
Comments Due Date:
December 12, 2019