Proposal to reduce the risk of chronic wasting disease entering Ontario
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 665/98 (Hunting)
Ontario Regulation 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife)
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
Summary of Decision:
Amendments have been made to regulations under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, to reduce the risk of chronic wasting disease (CWD) entry into, or spread within, Ontario.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The anticipated economic consequences of the proposal are neutral to slightly negative.
Administrative costs may be incurred by Ontario cervid farmers: a) a one-time cost in learning about the new requirements for importing live cervids, estimated to be $20.81 per operation/year, and b) costs associated with applying for an MNRF permit to import or moving cervids within Ontario (where currently the permit is not required) estimated to be $104.06 per farm (seeking to import cervids) per year. Farm operators not seeking to import or move live cervids will incur no new costs.
Some farm operators may incur up-front capital costs to meet regulated farm biosecurity requirements for gating and fencing if they receive additional animals and do not currently meet those requirements. This cost is highly variable and dependent the specifics of individual farm operations, and therefore difficult to quantify. Operators not seeking to import into or move cervids within Ontario would incur no costs.
The Canadian cervid farming industry outside Ontario, centered in Saskatchewan and Alberta, may express concerns with proposed restrictions that limit their trade with Ontario, as some farms currently able to ship live cervids to Ontario will no longer be permitted to, owing to the CWD status of these provinces.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 15, 2020
Summary of Proposal:
Consistent with commitments made in the Chronic Wasting Disease Prevention and Response Plan approved in December 2019, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is proposing the following measures to reduce the risk of chronic wasting disease (CWD) entry into, or spread within, Ontario:
1. Prohibiting import of all species of live cervids (members of the deer family, including elk, moose and caribou) into Ontario while allowing for certain exceptions
2. Prohibiting the movement of live cervids between locations within Ontario while allowing for exceptions
3. Expanding the existing prohibition on the possession and use of lures, scents and attractants made from parts of cervids
4. Expanding the existing prohibition on the import into Ontario of high-risk parts of cervids hunted in other jurisdictions, with exceptions.
These proposed measures are intended to reduce the likelihood that CWD is imported into or spread within Ontario, thereby increasing the likelihood that Ontario will remain CWD-free, and the Ontario cervid farming industry will maintain a healthy, disease-free status, assuring trade value, marketability and long-term value of Ontario cervid farm businesses themselves.
Contact Address:
Public Input Coordinator
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch - Wildlife Section
300 Water Street
5th Floor, North Tower
Peterborough, ON K9J 3C7
Effective Date:
January 1, 2021