Proposed amendments to wastewater operator licensing regulation to address impacts of emergencies
Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 129/04
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Ontario Water Resources Act
Summary of Decision:
We are moving forward with regulatory changes to allow the ministry and owners and operators of wastewater facilities to act quickly to help ensure that waterways in Ontario are protected during an emergency, including by providing wastewater facility owners with temporary staffing options and extending operator licences.
For more information, read the Decision Notice
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
A costing analysis was carried out by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks with the support of tools provided by the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. It is estimated that the proposed regulatory amendments will result in administrative costs of approximately $7,537 in 2021 for all wastewater facilities combined, associated with the time taken to learn about the regulatory amendments. There are no other administrative costs anticipated to be associated with these proposed amendments. The analysis indicates negligible impacts to the regulated community.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
May 18, 2021
Summary of Proposal:
We are proposing regulatory changes that would allow the ministry to act quickly to help ensure the province's sewage works are protected during an emergency.
The changes we're proposing would only be enacted during an emergency and would include such measures as extending operator licences and allowing certain qualified but non-licensed staff to temporarily maintain system operations. Other changes we're proposing include allowing wastewater training to be averaged over three years, clarifying the process for strike and lock-out plans and harmonizing when the Ministry Director may revoke/suspend an operator's certificate or licence.
The emergency-related proposed changes align with temporary measures we enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic and would ensure that system owners and operators can maintain continuity of operations and focus on ensuring the protection of our waterways in emergency situations.
Working with our partners and municipalities, we will continue to ensure our wastewater systems are held to Ontario's high safety standards, and that the environment continues to be protected.
An overview of the specific changes we're proposing to O. Reg. 129/04 made under the Ontario Water Resources Act are outlined on the Environmental Registry of Ontario.
Contact Address:
Neil Chisholm
Effective Date:
December 3, 2021