New Environmental Assessment Act Regulation: Designation and Exemption for Proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Environmental Assessment Act
Summary of Decision:
The regulation designates the establishment and operation of the proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry in Milton as an undertaking to which the Environmental Assessment Act applies, and exempts the undertaking from certain requirements of the Act so long as the requirements of the proposed regulation are met. The regulation was developed to require the proponent to undertake a project-specific environmental assessment for the project, providing additional opportunities for public consultation and studies, including studies not required as part of the application process under the Aggregate Resources Act.
Key components of the regulation that recognize the work completed to date under the ARA process, include:
• an exemption from the requirement to prepare and obtain an approval by the Minister of a Terms of Reference, along with other requirements of the Act respecting Terms of Reference, as the regulation itself prescribes the consultation to be undertaken and content requirements of the project-specific environmental assessment process
• focusing of the environmental assessment on the evaluation of the project site and the consideration of alternative design methods, including alternatives to underwater blasting, and alternative haul routes
Specific requirements for the preparation of the environmental assessment, include:
• requirements for additional specific studies pertaining to groundwater, including a door-to-door well survey program, water quality monitoring program, an assessment of the effects to groundwater from blasting below the water table, and any other hydrogeological studies that may be identified by the Director of the ministry's Environmental Assessment Branch; and other studies such as a fugitive dust study; a study of the conditions of any haul route(s); and a social impact assessment
• addressing cumulative effects in the environmental assessment
• requirements for specific consultation in preparing the environmental assessment
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The ministry estimates that costs of up to approximately $1,265,250 for the project-specific environmental assessment process could be incurred by the proponent, approximately $515,250 of which would be attributed to additional studies and consultation requirements identified in the regulation. These values are based solely on best available estimates and are anticipated to be conservative. The ministry is unable to estimate, at this time, the exact value.
The proponent may also be subject to administrative costs of approximately $726.44; however, this value cannot be confirmed at this time.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
See Environmental Registry Proposal Notice (019-2876)
Contact Address:
Jenny Archibald
Effective Date:
July 30, 2021