Environmental Noise Guideline - Noise Assessment Criteria for Stationary Sources and for Land Use Planning (Publication NPC-300)
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Environmental Protection Act
Summary of Decision:
The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has made the decision to replace four existing noise-related guidelines and implement an updated guideline entitled, "Environmental Noise Guideline, Stationary and Transportation Sources - Approval and Planning, (Publication NPC-300)".
The following four noise-related guidelines have been replaced:
"Publication LU-131 -- Noise Assessment Criteria in Land Use Planning." October 1997;
"Noise Assessment Criteria in Land Use Planning: Requirements, Procedures and Implementation." October 1997;
"Publication NPC-205 -- Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class 1 and 2 Areas (Urban)." October 1995; and
"Publication NPC-232 -- Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class 3 Areas (Rural)." October 1995.
The updated Environmental Noise Guideline (NPC-300) applies to stationary sources, such as industries, and to transportation sources of noise, including road, rail and air traffic. It is applied in approvals issued by the MOE and is used for land use planning decisions made by municipalities. The updated Environmental Noise Guideline (NPC-300) does not apply to wind farms. There is another separate MOE noise guideline which applies to wind farms, entitled "Noise Guideline for Wind Farms, (PIBS 4709e)".
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
November 16, 2010
Summary of Proposal:
The proposed updated Environmental Noise Guideline defines the requirements and criteria used by the MOE when issuing approvals for noise from stationary sources (which includes most industrial-type equipment and activities that are noise sources). The types of approvals MOE issues for noise include Certificates of Approval under section 9 of the Environmental Protection Act and Renewable Energy Approvals under section 47.3 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Additionally, the proposed updated Environmental Noise Guideline will provide advice concerning noise, which can be applied to land use-planning decisions made by land use planning approval authorities. Land use planning approval authorities include municipalities, planning boards or other ministries and agencies that are involved in various aspects of land use planning. The advice provided in the proposed updated Environmental Noise Guideline concerning noise can be used for land use planning decisions to promote appropriate new development in a manner that is compatible with existing land uses.
Contact Address:
Royal Assent Date:
October 21, 2013