Amendment to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)
Regulation Number(s):
Rules of Civil Procedure, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Other
Bill or Act:
Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43
Summary of Decision:
This regulation was approved on March 22, 2022, and filed on March 23, 2022.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
There is no regulatory impact to business anticipated in relation to this proposal.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
This regulation, O. Reg. 224/22, makes changes to the civil rules of court regarding the deadlines for parties to submit their confirmation of motion and confirmation of application forms (Forms 37B and 38B), as well as the deadline to upload materials to CaseLines.
The regulation amends three rules and revises two forms.
The rule amendments:
• require a moving party to confirm the motion 5 days before the hearing instead of 3, and permit the responding party to confirm the motion (if the moving party has not done so) 4 days before the motion instead of 2 (rule 37.10.1);
• require an applicant to confirm the application 5 days before the hearing instead of 3 (rule 38.09.1);
• separate the CaseLines deadline for motions and applications from the confirmation form deadlines (rule 4.05.3);
• remove references to e-mail submission of confirmation forms being possible only if available in the court office, since e-mail is available in every civil court office (rules 37.10.1 and 38.09.1); and
• prescribe revised versions of the Form 37B Confirmation of Motion and Form 38B Confirmation of Application, to
- emphasize the duty to update the court if circumstances change after confirmation,
- add reference to the abandonment procedure, and
- require a list of materials for applications (as is already required for motions).
Contact Address:
Ministry of the Attorney General
Corporate Policy Unit
720 Bay Street, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2S9
Effective Date:
April 23, 2022