Proposed changes to Tables 1 & 2 of the Nutrient Management Protocol incorporated by reference into O. Reg 267/03 made under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002
Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 267/03
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Nutrient Management Act
Summary of Decision:
The decision is to post a Decision Notice confirming the proposed updates to Table 1 and Table 2 of the Nutrient Management Tables on both the Environmental Registry of Ontario and Ontario's Regulatory Registry and implement the proposed changes. All comments received on the proposed updates were supportive of the proposed changes to Table 1 and Table 2, so long as additional costs were not imposed and, where necessary, farm operations are given the necessary time to come into compliance with any new standards.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The proposed updates to Tables 1 & 2 would not introduce new compliance or administrative costs.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
December 19, 2022
Summary of Proposal:
In Ontario, the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, (NMA) provides for the management of materials containing nutrients in ways that will enhance protection of the natural environment and provide a sustainable future for agricultural operations and rural development.
The General Regulation (O. Reg 267/03) regulates the management of nutrients, including agricultural source materials (e.g., manure) and non-agricultural source materials (e.g., sewage biosolids). O. Reg 267/03 regulation establishes rules for the management of prescribed materials as part of an agricultural operation, including their storage and application. O. Reg 267/03 regulation requires the development of a farm-based nutrient strategy (NMS) and/or nutrient management plan (NMP) in specific circumstances.
The Nutrient Management Tables were incorporated by reference into General Regulation (O. Reg 267/03) made under the NMA. These tables are intended to provide technical data for use by producers that fall under the NMA to assist in the development of their NMS and NMP.
• Table 1 (Nutrient Unit Livestock Information) is used for planning purposes to determine manure production based on several factors, such as livestock type, animal weight and housing system.
• Table 2 (Manure Databank) is used for planning purposes to determine the nutrient value of manure based on livestock type and dry matter percentage.
The data in these tables is also used by OMAFRA software called AgriSuite that provides producers with free agricultural and environmental decision support tools related to crop management, nutrient management and minimum distance separation. AgriSuite uses these tables to calculate the recommended size of manure storages and to determine land application rates.
Information from Table 2 regarding total nutrient content (TKN, NH4-N, TP, TK) and total solids/dry matter can be used to comply with requirements in subsections 81(5) and 91(3) of the Regulation and sections 7.3 and 10.3 of the Nutrient Management Protocol. Other information found in Table 2 may be useful for other purposes.
Tables 1 and 2 are intended to be updated periodically to ensure they remain current. The proposed updates to these tables are intended to ensure that the information found in these tables reflect current livestock production practices and needs.
Proposed changes to Table 1 include:
• Increase in average weight of "Beef - Feeders (7-16 months)" and "Beef - Short Keep (12.5 - 17.5 months)".
• Revision to sub-types, average weight of animal and volume of solid manure produced per day per metric tonne for "Chickens - Broilers".
• Increase in average weight of "Milking Age Cows Large Frame", "Milking Age Cows Medium Frame (Guernsey size)" and "Milking Age Cows Small Frame (Jersey size)".
• Harmonization of manure values for "Swine - Sows (dry) and Boars" and "Swine - Sows with Litters" by elimination of Segregated Early Wean (SEW) and Non-Segregated Early Wean (non-SEW) subtypes.
• Revise naming of "Turkeys - Turkey Pullet (0 to 6 weeks)" to "Turkeys - Turkey Starter Barn (0 to 6 weeks)".
• Increase in average weight and decrease in livestock housing capacity of "Veal - Grain Fed".
• Updates to footnotes.
Proposed changes to Table 2 would update nutrient content values based on current nutrient value data, as well as updates to the introduction and footnotes.
Contact Address:
Sarah Fleischhauer
Food Safety and Environmental Policy Branch
1 Stone Road W., 2nd Floor
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 4Y2
Effective Date:
May 2, 2023