Regulation - LGIC

Collection, Management and Improved Utilization of Smart Metering Data for Behind-the-Meter Distributed Energy Resources

Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 393/07
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Electricity Act, 1998
Summary of Decision:
Regulatory changes now enable the Smart Metering Entity (SME) to collect, process and manage bi-directional smart metering data, and provides the SME with exclusive authority as of January 1, 2025. These changes support a centralized billing solution for distributors to bill net-metered customers according to their choice of pricing plan.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The Ministry intends to propose regulatory changes that would facilitate the SME's collection and management of bi-directional smart metering data, in addition to its current activities related to the collection and management of consumption data from smart meters. Proposed regulatory changes could include amendments to regulations such as O. Reg. 393/07, and if required the Electricity Act, 1998.
These changes would, if approved:
• Support customer choice by making it easier for local distribution companies to comply with the requirement to offer all Ontario Regulated Price Plan customers, including net-metered customers, access to Time-of-Use price plans such as the new Ultra-Low Overnight Price Plan (when available);
• Improve availability of energy data by enabling access to a more comprehensive smart metering data set that would facilitate advanced analytics, system planning, forecast modelling, policy development, and assessment of new pricing models; and
• Facilitate innovation and support distributed energy resources integration within Ontario's electricity system, including exploration of distributed energy resources market participation models under IESO's Distributed Energy Resources Roadmap, by leveraging Ontario's existing smart metering infrastructure and investments.
Input and Feedback
To inform development of the Ministry's proposal, the Ministry is seeking input from individuals, businesses, and other organizations, including local distribution companies, on its approach to enabling the SME to collect, process and manage bi-directional smart metering data. This may include information on the following:
• Benefits and other considerations associated with collection and use of bi-directional smart metering data through the MDM/R in the context of Ontario's electricity system and supporting innovation and distributed energy resources integration;
• Costs and other impacts to local distribution companies related to updating their customer information systems, metering, billing practices and other activities as a result of the proposed changes; and
• Considerations related to decisions about the SME having exclusive authority in respect to bi-directional smart metering data for the purposes of collecting and managing billing quantity data for local distribution companies.

Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 17, 2023
Summary of Proposal:
Bi-directional smart meters measure both the amount of electricity a customer consumes from a distributor's distribution system and the amount of electricity a customer sends to a distributor's distribution system from generation or energy storage systems installed behind a customer's meter.Enabling the SME to collect and manage bi-directional data from Ontario's smart meters would support billing and settlement of customers with behind-the-meter distributed energy resources, such as net-metered customers with rooftop solar, and would facilitate customer choice and opportunities for innovation and integration of customer-sited distributed energy resources in Ontario's electricity sector.
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
June 20, 2023