Revisions to the Forest Management Planning Manual (FMPM)
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 167/95
Ontario Regulation 473/09
Ontario Regulation 472/09
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Crown Forest Sustainability Act
Summary of Decision:
A decision was made to proceed with the proposal as described subject to changes made below as a result of public consultation, and the following additional changes made by the Ministry:
- Additional forest management planning requirements specific to the Whitefeather Forest have been added.
- Exemptions and reporting requirements for category 14 aggregate pits previously contained in standards under the Aggregate Resources Act have been added.
- Direction for incorporation of protection of endangered species habitat regulated under the Endangered Species Act has been added.
- Changes based on comments received from the proposal notice.
The proposal was implemented by an amendment to Ontario Regulation 167/95 (General). This regulation was filed by the Registrar of Regulations on December 9, 2009.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
September 21, 2010
Summary of Proposal:
The Forest Management Planning Manual (FMPM) is regulated under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act, and provides direction for the development of forest management plans (FMPs). FMPs are developed for each forest management unit in the province, and identify where and how the activities of forest access, harvest, renewal and maintenance will occur over a ten-year period. The FMPM incorporates requirements of a number of conditions from MNR’s Class Environmental Assessment Approval for Forest Management on Crown Lands in Ontario (Declaration Order MNR-71 as amended by MNR-71/2.
In February 2008, MNR accepted certain recommendations for changes to the FMPM from a joint forest industry/MNR project team to streamline the forest management planning process. The objective of the recommendations was to make the forest management planning process more efficient while adhering to the requirements of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act and MNR’s environmental assessment approval for forest management on Crown lands in Ontario. Most of the recommendations from this report introduce efficiencies to the planning process or plan contents, or clarify the requirements contained in the FMPM.
The proposed revisions also: facilitate the use of new and revised forest management guides in the FMP process; implement updates that have been made to the Forest Compliance Handbook; implement the new Prescribed Burn Manual; identify climate change as a consideration in development of a FMP; address the results of a number of policy review exercises; and make editorial corrections and clarifications to the manuals.
Contact Address:
Colin Blakemore
Ministry of Natural Resources
70 Foster Drive
Suite 400
Sault Ste. Marie Ontario
P6A 6V5
Effective Date:
December 10, 2009