Modernizing the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act: Proposals to Reduce Burden, Improve Regulatory Efficiency, and Enhance Consumer Protection
Regulation Number(s):
333/08 (General)
332/08 (Code of Ethics and Operation of Committees)
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002
Summary of Proposal:
The Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 (MVDA) regulates motor vehicle dealers and salespersons and provides protections for Ontario consumers. The MVDA and its regulations are administered and enforced by the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC).
The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (ministry) is consulting on potential changes to the MVDA and its regulations that, if implemented, would reduce regulatory burden, improve OMVIC's regulatory efficiency, enhance consumer protection, and address other sector-specific issues.
The ministry is seeking feedback on the proposals and the questions posed in the attached consultation paper. These proposals include:
1. Requiring a two-day cooling-off period on all transactions before the consumer takes possession of the motor vehicle
2. Requiring OMVIC to develop an information guide for consumers and for registrants to provide a copy to consumers
3. Allowing trade outside a dealer's place of business when the consumer has initiated contact with the registrant and requested a trade outside of the place of business
4. Limiting the ability of dealers to require consumers to purchase add-on goods and services in a motor vehicle sale
5. Limiting the sale of "as-is" vehicles
6. Requiring registrants to complete mandatory continuing education courses as a condition of registration renewal
7. Requiring motor vehicle dealers to promptly pay unpaid loans on a traded-in vehicle within five business days, where the dealer has agreed to pay the outstanding amount
8. Expanding eligibility for the Motor Vehicle Dealers Compensation Fund (MVDCF)
9. Updating contract disclosures to increase the threshold for the value of repairs required for disclosure, and to simplify the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP) disclosure requirements
10. Adding flexibility for the contact information in advertisements
11. Expanding the scope and powers of OMVIC's Discipline Committee
12. Increasing maximum fines that OMVIC's Discipline Committee may impose on registrants and applying distinct maximum fines for individuals (i.e., salespersons) and businesses
13. Prohibiting cross-appointments between OMVIC's Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees for the MVDCF
14. Updating the language in the MVDA and its regulations to capture terms that are distinct to electric vehicles
Finally, the ministry is also gathering information on various forms of unfair selling tactics experienced by consumers (e.g., drip pricing, forced financing, and penalties associated with early payment of loans).
The ministry is seeking feedback on the proposals and the questions posed in the attached consultation paper. The ministry is also interested in hearing your perspective on other changes that would enhance consumer protection in the motor vehicle sales sector, reduce burden for registered motor vehicle dealers and salespersons, and improve OMVIC's regulatory efficiency.
You may submit your comments by responding directly to the Regulatory Registry posting or by sending your comments by e-mail to no later than May 21, 2024.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery is conducting a Regulatory Impact Analysis.
The ministry anticipates that some proposed changes may add costs for registered motor vehicle dealers; however, some are expected to reduce burden for motor vehicle dealers or to be cost neutral with the additional benefits of enhanced compliance and improved regulatory efficiency and consumer protection in the motor vehicle sales sector.
The ministry is seeking feedback from stakeholders about the cost impacts and cost savings associated with the proposed changes.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
April 2, 2024
Comments Due Date:
May 21, 2024
Contact Address:
Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery
6th Floor | 56 Wellesley St. W.
Toronto, ON M7A 1C1
Proposal Status:
On June 27, 2024, the ministry filed amendments to O. Reg. 333/08 "General" under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 (MVDA) to reduce burden, enhance the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council's (OMVIC's) governance, and increase professionalism and consumer protection in the motor vehicle sales sector.
As of July 1, 2024:
• Motor vehicle dealers and salespersons (registrants) are no longer required to return their registration certificate when they cease to be registered.
• Registrants have 30 days to provide warranty documents and payments to warranty sellers.
• Registrants are required to include contact information that the registrant chooses (rather than a business telephone number) in advertisements, provided that the same contact information is published on OMVIC's public database of registrants.
• Cross-appointments between OMVIC's Board of Directors and the Motor Vehicle Dealers Compensation Fund (MVDCF) Board of Trustees are prohibited.
• Outdated provisions that are related to the transition from the repealed Motor Vehicle Dealers Act have been removed from the General regulation.
As of January 1, 2025:
• The required Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP) statements will be simplified and registrants will be required to include a general statement on CAMVAP in all contracts.
As of January 1, 2026:
• Registrants will be required to successfully complete continuing education requirements that the registrar specifies prior to renewing their registration.
The ministry is considering all feedback received in response to its consultation paper to determine next steps regarding proposals that the ministry has not already addressed.