Consequential amendment to Ontario Regulation 675/98 - Classification and Exemption of Spills and Reporting of Discharges made under the Environmental Protection Act, 1990.
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 20/11
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Environmental Protection Act, 1990
Summary of Decision:
The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) amended Ontario’s Classification and Exemption of Spills and Reporting of Discharges regulation (O. Reg. 675/98) as a consequential amendment to Ontario’s Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Other Halocarbons regulation (O. Reg. 463/10). O. Reg. 675/98 contains a reference in subsection 5 (1) to O. Reg. 189/94 (Refrigerants regulation). O. Reg. 189/94 and four other ODS related regulations were revoked and replaced by O. Reg. 463/10 as part of the recent consolidation of ODS regulations.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 28, 2011
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) amended Ontario’s Classification and Exemption of Spills and Reporting of Discharges regulation (O. Reg. 675/98) as a consequential amendment to Ontario’s Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Other Halocarbons regulation (O. Reg. 463/10).
O. Reg. 675/98 contains a reference in subsection 5 (1) to O. Reg. 189/94 (Refrigerants regulation). O. Reg. 189/94 and four other ODS related regulations were revoked and replaced by O. Reg. 463/10 as part of the recent consolidation of ODS regulations.
The consequential amendment consists of updating the reference to O. Reg. 189/94 with a reference to the consolidated ODS regulation number (O. Reg. 463/10). This amendment does not result in any changes to the policy or intent of the regulation.
Consolidation of Ontario’s ODS Regulations:
MOE consolidated five existing ODS regulations into one single regulation as part of its ongoing efforts to update and modernize regulations.
The consolidation revoked Ontario’s five ODS regulations (O. Reg. 356 - —General, O. Reg. 413/94—Halons, O. Reg. 189/94—Refrigerants, O. Reg. 717/94—Solvents and O. Reg. 718/94—Sterilants) and replaced them with O. Reg. 463/10.
Contact Address:
Tammy Giroux
Senior Policy Analyst
Ministry of the Environment
Integrated Environmental Policy Division
Air Policy and Climate Change Branch
77 Wellesley Street West
Floor 10
Toronto Ontario
M7A 2T5
Phone: (416) 314-7991
Royal Assent Date:
January 28, 2011