Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Fees & Refunds
Regulation Number(s):
O.Reg 359/09
O.Reg 521/10
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Environmental Protection Act
Summary of Proposal:
As a key pillar in supporting the development of Ontario’s green economy, on September 24, 2009 the Ontario government introduced O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals) under Part V.0.1 of the Environmental Protection Act.
The Renewable Energy Approval simplifies the number and types of approvals required for new renewable energy projects, integrating environmental, health and safety matters previously dealt with by a number of provincial, municipal and proponent-driven processes into one process.
Only entities, companies or individuals, who want to engage in a renewable energy generation project, as defined in Section 47.3 of the Environmental Protection Act are subject to the REA and associated fees.
The REA fees have been set to help recover the province’s costs to manage the REA program while encouraging renewable energy development.
The REA fee represents the estimated cost to review a REA application. The fees are based on staff time required to review the application for completeness and conduct a technical review.
The REA fees have attempted to balance cost-recovery with the development of the renewable energy sector by creating fee classes and capping the REA fee for small-scale and farm-based projects, including:
• Solar – Class 3 (solar PV, 500 kW or less);
• Wind – Class 2 (under 50 kWs);
• Anaerobic Digestion – Class 1 (on-farm, farm materials);
• Anaerobic Digestion – Class 2 (on-farm, ‘green bin’, biomass & farm materials);
• Thermal Treatment – Class 1 (on-farm, wood burning); and
• Thermal Treatment – Class 2 (on-farm, wood and biomass burning)
The REA fees are based on the class of REA, as outlined in O. Reg. 359/09 (as amended by Ontario Regulation 521/10), and includes solar, wind and biomass electricity generating facilities.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 14, 2011
Comments Due Date:
March 15, 2011