Renewable Energy Approval Requirements for Off-shore Wind Facilities - An Overview of the Proposed Approach
Regulation Number(s):
O.Reg. 359/09
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Green Energy Act
Summary of Proposal:
On June 25 2010, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) posted a policy proposal on the Environmental Registry that outlined a proposed approach for developing regulatory requirements for offshore wind facilities.In addition to MOE’s June 2010 posting, on August 18, 2010 the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) posted a policy proposal entitled “Offshore Windpower: Consideration of Additional Areas to be Removed from Future Development”. In light of the comments received in response to MOE and MNR's postings and in particular the identified need for further study, Ontario is not proceeding with any development of offshore wind projects until the necessary scientific research is completed and an adequately informed policy framework can be developed. An offshore wind project is defined as any project classified under the Renewable Energy Approval regulation (O. Reg. 359/09) as a Class 5 wind facility.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
February 14, 2011
Comments Due Date:
February 13, 2011