Regulation - LGIC

Amendment to O. Reg. 667/98 (Trapping) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act,1997 to enable harvesting of furbearing mammals by qualified youths aged 12 - 15 years of age

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
Summary of Decision:
The proposal was implemented by an amendment to O. Reg. 667/98 (Trapping) and O. Reg. 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) by O. Reg. 216/13 and 217/13, respectively. These regulations were filed by the Registrar of Regulations on July 18, 2013 and published in the Ontario Gazette on August 3, 2013.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
April 15, 2011
Summary of Proposal:
Commercial trapping and hunting are considered traditional heritage activities in Ontario and are conducted by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginals on Crown and private lands. The commercial trapping of furbearing mammals is an important management tool (through the ability to set harvest limits/quotas by trapline/species) and can help reduce human-wildlife conflict (e.g., property damage due to beaver activity, coyote encounters, livestock predation, crop damage, etc.).

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is proposing that the minimum age limit for issuance of a secondary trapping licence be reduced from age 16 to age 12 under the existing licence fee ($16.95 including 13% HST for secondary helper trapping licence). This would allow for youths aged 12 - 15 to participate in furbearing mammal harvesting, when under the direct and immediate supervision of an adult mentor who is a licensed trapper aged 18 years or older. This amendment will:
- provide youth the opportunity to participate in traditional family heritage activity;
- improve long term participation in furbearer harvesting;
- continue to ensure that furbearing mammal harvest levels remain within the limits of ecological sustainability, while providing economic opportunities for youth trappers to harvest these furbearing mammals; and
- provide traditional outdoor recreational opportunities for youths.

To give legal effect to this proposal, an amendment would be made to O. Reg. 667/98 (Trapping). The proposal would come into effect in time for the 2012-2013 fall trapping season.
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
July 18, 2013