Regulation - Minister

Prohibited Developments in the Far North: Opening a Mine, O. Reg. 117/11

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Far North Act, 2010
Summary of Decision:
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
April 18, 2011
Summary of Proposal:
This regulation under the Far North Act, 2010 is required to prescribe the circumstances that constitute the opening of a mine in the Far North.

This technical regulation defines those prescribed circumstances.

Under the Far North Act a person shall not open a mine in the prescribed circumstances - unless they have a community based land use plan in place and the mine is not within a protected area. This regulation sets out the circumstances:
a) a person is required to file a certified closure plan for the mine under section 141 of the Mining Act in order to commence or recommence mine production (where mine production means mining that is producing any mineral or mineral-bearing substance for immediate sale or stockpiling for future sale, and includes the development of a mine for such purposes); and
b) before the day the Far North Act comes into force, the Director has not acknowledged receipt of a certified closure plan for the mine under section 141 of the Mining Act.

The regulation does not impose any new or additional regulatory burdens upon the mining industry. The requirement for a certified closure plan already exists under the Mining Act.

The regulation is very similar to existing provisions set out in the Mining Act, 1990, as amended. However, those specific subsections have not been proclaimed in force.

This regulation will be revoked when or if the relevant section of the Mining Amendment Act, 2009 comes into force.
Until and unless that takes place, this regulation is needed to establish the prescribed circumstances in which the opening of a mine is prohibited under the Far North Act.
Contact Address:
Erin Sutherland
Strategic Issues and Stakeholder Coordinator
Ministry of Natural Resources
Regional Operations Division
Far North Branch
99 Wellesley Street West
Suite 5420
Toronto Ontario
Phone: (416) 314-1811
Effective Date:
April 14, 2011