
Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Draft Aboriginal Consultation Guide

Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 359/09
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Environmental Protection Act
Summary of Proposal:
The purpose of this notice is to elicit public comment on the proposed Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Aboriginal Consultation Guide that provides guidance and direction on the Aboriginal consultation requirements under Ontario Regulation 359/09 (REA regulation).

The draft REA Aboriginal Consultation Guide is intended to assist applicants of renewable energy projects when carrying out the consultation with aboriginal communities required under the REA regulation. The draft REA Aboriginal Consultation Guide also explains how the regulatory requirements relate to the Crown's duty to consult with Aboriginal communities in respect of renewable energy projects. The draft REA Aboriginal Consultation Guide will also assist aboriginal communities, the public, interested persons, and other regulatory agencies in understanding the Aboriginal consultation requirements for a Renewable Energy Approval.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
August 2, 2011
Comments Due Date:
October 31, 2011