The first phase of regulations under the Clean Water Act, 2006.
Regulation Number(s):
O.Reg 284/07
O.Reg 288/07
O.Reg 287/07
O.Reg 285/07
O.Reg 286/07
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Clean Water Act, 2006
Summary of Decision:
After considering feedback, these regulations were finalized and filed. They came into force on July 3, 2007, the date sections 1 to 116 of the legislation were proclaimed into force by the Lieutenant Governor.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
May 1, 2007
Summary of Proposal:
The goal of the Clean Water Act is to protect existing and future sources of drinking water, as part of an overall commitment to human health and the environment. A key focus of the legislation is the production of locally developed, science based assessment reports and source protection plans. Regulations to support the Clean Water Act are being developed in phases. The government is also developing guidance material to support the regulations. Once complete, this material will be posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry.
The first phase of regulations under the Clean Water Act, 2006 include the following topic areas:
1) Source Protection Areas and Regions
2) Source Protection Committees
3) Terms of Reference
4) Time Limits
5) Miscellaneous Regulation (includes the following topic areas):
- Planned Drinking Water Systems
- Drinking Water Systems that cannot be included in a Terms of Reference
- Imminent Drinking Water Hazard Notification
- Additional Great Lakes Agreements
- Exemptions
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
July 3, 2007