Amendments to Regulation 1093 under the Veterinarians Act
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Veterinarians Act
Summary of Decision:
A decision has been made to amend R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 1093. These amendments make many of the changes set out in the summary of the proposal and include provisions that update and clarify various sections of the regulation to reflect more modern requirements, practices and terminology. The amending regulation will come into effect on November 24, 2015 which is four months from the date that it was filed. The new regulation may be viewed on the Government of Ontario's e-laws website.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
September 10, 2012
Summary of Proposal:
The College has requested the following amendments to Reg. 1093:
Registration and Accreditation
- Naming of the two bodies that accredit and administer the clinical proficiency examination
- Authorization to collect and consider information about previous conduct for license deliberations and revocation
- Authorizing the establishment of a distinctive status for former members in good standing throughout their licensure (namely, "Resigned - Emeritus")
Practice Standards
- Clarifying the circumstances when abuse and neglect are reported to the OSPCA
- Adding to the subsection defining professional misconduct the contravention of, by act or omission, a law the purpose of which is to protect or promote the health or welfare of animals or public health
- Revocation from the subsection defining professional misconduct "Adding a charge to a disbursement."
- Expansion of members' obligations to respond to written inquiries from the College
- Setting out the steps to define the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR)
- Defining three levels of supervision of an auxiliary
- Requiring members to make clients aware of the levels of supervision that will be provided to their animals in support of the College's policy regarding informed owner consent
- Expanding the basic information to be captured and saved in companion animal records
- Providing for electronic signatures
- Adding a requirement regarding the content of written drug prescriptions consistent with the requirements for other prescribing professions
Holding Out
- Renaming the Part IV "Holding Out" heading "Advertising" to more accurately reflect that this Part is about members advertising their services
- Updating the Part to reflect current practices and the College's Advisory Statement
Conflict of Interest
- Requiring members to enter into contracts when appointed to provide veterinary services under federal or provincial legislation or on becoming an employee of a public, non-profit university or college, ensuring that members have control over all clinical and professional services
- Expanding the number and type of temporary clinics where the practice of veterinary medicine may be permitted from non-accredited facilities when it is in the public interest
- Requiring the College's Registrar to register members' name changes and the year in which a member receives honorary status
- Requiring the Registrar to maintain members' information in the register permanently
- Permitting the Registrar to remove information in the Register where it could jeopardize the safety of a member
Contact Address:
Katherine Hoffman
Animal Health Coordinator
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs
1 Stone Road West, 5NW, Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2
Phone: 519-826-5072
Fax: 519-826-4375
Jan Robinson
Registrar and CEO
The College of Veterinarians of Ontario
2106 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario N1L 1G6
Phone: 519-824-5600
Fax: 519-824-6497
Effective Date:
November 24, 2015