Changes to Regulation 392, 393 and 405 under the Farm Products Marketing Act to implement a proposal to merge the Ontario's Bean Producer's Marketing Board and the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers' Association into a single marketing board.
Regulation Number(s):
Regulation 392 (Beans- Marketing)
Regulation 393 (Beans - Plan)
Regulation 405 (Designation - Ontario Coloured Bean Growers' Associaton)
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Farm Products Marketing Act
Summary of Decision:
A new regulation, O. Regulation 162/13 (Beans - Plan) was made by the Lieutenant-Governor-In-Council on May 1, 2013 and filed with the Registrar of Regulations on May 27, 2013. Another new regulation, O. Regulation 182/13 (Beans - Marketing) was made by the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission on June 11, 2013 and filed with the Registrar of Regulations on June 13, 2013. Both new regulations came into force on July 1, 2013. Together, the two regulations establish "Ontario Bean Growers" and provide authorities to the board that are consistent with those mentioned above. The following regulations were revoked: 1) Regulation 393 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990; 2) Regulation 405 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990; and, 3) Regulation 392 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 8, 2013
Summary of Proposal:
In October 2012, white and coloured bean producers voted in favour of the creation of a single marketing board for both white and coloured beans. The proposed changes to Regulation 392, 393 and 405 under the Farm Products Marketing Act are intended to implement this direction in accordance with the regulatory proposal in the voters' package developed by the Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board (OBPMB), the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers' Association (OCBGA) and the Farm Products Marketing Commission.
The regulatory proposal involves:
- developing a new Plan regulation that creates a Plan for white beans and coloured beans and provides for administration of the Plan by the new local board;
- developing a new Marketing regulation that will regulate the production and marketing of white beans and coloured beans; and,
- revoking Regulation 405 which designates the OCBGA as the representative association of producers of coloured beans within Ontario.
The current Plan regulation (393) only applies to white beans. The proposed Plan regulation will create one Plan for white beans and coloured beans and establish a new local board that will represent both white bean and coloured bean producers to administer the Plan. The new local board will be comprised of no more than seven members. Each district will be represented by two members and there will be one member at large who will be selected from all producers in all districts. The new local board will assume the assets and liabilities of the OBPMB and the OCBGA. A certain portion of the OBPMB's current assets will be set aside in a special fund to be used for specified purposes relating only to white beans.
The current Marketing regulation (392) will be replaced with a new Marketing regulation. The new Marketing regulation will set out the powers of the new local board.
Under Regulation 405, the OCBGA is currently designated as the representative association of producers for coloured beans within Ontario for the carrying out of a program for stimulating, increasing and improving the producing and marketing locally within Ontario of coloured beans by advertising, education, research and other means. Regulation 405 will be revoked to stop the funding of the OCBGA through mandatory fees paid by producers. Coloured bean producers will be subject to regulations created by the new merged board.
Contact Address:
Sophia Dinnissen
Marketing Analyst
Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission
5SW, 1 Stone Rd. W, Guelph, Ontario
Phone: 519 826-3395
Fax: 519 826-3400
Effective Date:
July 1, 2013