Property Tax Regulations for 2013
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Summary of Decision:
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
O.Reg. 442/12 under the Municipal Act & O.Reg 443/12 under the City of Toronto Act:
Municipal Property Tax Policy - Transition Tax Ratios: Regulation amendments under the Municipal Act and City of Toronto Act to continue to allow municipalities to set their own transition tax ratios to offset the impacts of reassessment, based on a prescribed formula.
O.Reg. 443/12 under the City of Toronto Act & O.Reg. 444/12 under the Municipal Act:
Municipal Property Tax Policy - Levy Restrictions: Regulation amendments under the Municipal Act and City of Toronto Act to allow municipalities to continue to apply a levy increase on restricted classes of up to 50% of the residential levy increase.
O.Reg. 445/12 under the Education Act:
Education Property Tax rates: Regulation amendment under the Education Act to set the residential and business education tax rates for 2013.
O.Reg. 446/12 under the Provincial Land Tax Act:
The Regulation sets the tax rates for the purpose of Provincial Land Tax in the unincorporated territory for the 2013 tax year.
Contact Address:
777 Bay Street
Toronto ON
M5G 2C8
Effective Date:
January 1, 2013