Amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) regulations to reflect the full coming into force of the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (OCTAA)
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 572/99
Ontario Regulation 213/91
Ontario Regulation 67/93
Ontario Regulation 414/05
Regulation 854
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Summary of Decision:
Sections of the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (OCTAA) were proclaimed into force and, as a result, the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act (TQAA) and the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998 (ACA) were repealed. That required consequential amendments to regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) which included references to the TQAA and the ACA.
Three regulations under the OHSA (O.Reg.213/91, O.Reg.67/93, and Regulation 854) are amended to replace references to TQAA and ACA with the appropriate references to the OCTAA.
One regulation under the OHSA is revoked (O.Reg.572/99) and replaced with O.Reg.87/13. Another regulation (O.Reg.414/05) is amended to correctly reference that replaced regulation (O.Reg.87/13).
Under O.Reg.87/13, the Ministry of Labour (MOL) will continue its current scope of enforcement of training requirements for specified compulsory construction trades (11 trades) and motive power trades (10 trades) under the OHSA for a one-year transition period (April 2013 - April 2014) to allow the College time to fully develop its broader enforcement capacity under the OCTAA. Following the expiry of the one-year transition period, the enforcement of trades qualifications generally will be the responsibility of the Ontario College of Trades under the OCTAA.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
Contact Address:
Health and Safety Policy Branch
Ministry of Labour
400 University Ave. 12th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 1T7
Effective Date:
April 8, 2013