Proposal for Regulations Pertaining to Bill 85: Ontario Photo Card Act 2008
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Bill 85: Ontario Photo Card Act 2008
Summary of Proposal:
The recently passed Photo Card Act, 2008 permits the issuance of three new card products by the Ministry of Transportation. The first of these card products is usually referred to, in the context of secure travel documents, as an "enhanced driver's licence" but is referred to in the Act as a "combined photo card". The combined photo card or "EDL" would be used by its holder in exactly the same manner as a regular driver's licence. However, the card will display information and be equipped with certain machine-readable features that make it acceptable as a passport alternative. Together, the information and special card features should allow the EDL to be accepted as proof of identity and citizenship when entering the United States by land or water. The EDL is the first of the three card products to be phased in.
The two other card products that are authorized by this legislation, but to be phased in at a later date, are a "basic photo card" and an "enhanced photo card". These photo cards would be made available to residents of Ontario who do not hold a driver's licence but who may still want a convenient wallet-sized card to use as photo identification. These cards are being issued as a convenience to holders. No one need apply for, carry, or produce on demand a basic Photo Card or Enhanced Photo Card.
This proposed new regulation would, if approved, set out the regulatory requirements to obtain or cancel an EDL, define the phase in period, define the requirements to change information, require additional documents for specified purposes, and describe electronic documents.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
December 5, 2008
Comments Due Date:
January 5, 2009
Contact Address:
Service Management and Business Integrity Office
Service Delivery Partnerships Branch
1201 Wilson Ave
Building B, 2nd Floor
Downsview, ON M3M 1J8