
Designated Amateur Combative Sports

Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Athletics Control Act
Summary of Proposal:
In June 2013, the federal government amended Section 83 of the Criminal Code to:

- exempt amateur contests in combative sports on the Olympic/Paralympic programme (currently boxing, judo, taekwondo and wrestling) from the prize fighting offence;

- provide provinces with the authority to designate additional amateur combative sports for exemption;

- allow provinces to require amateur contests in these sports to be held with their permission; and

- allow contests in any other amateur combative sport (i.e. non-Olympic; non-designated) if the province has provided permission.

For the purposes of Section 83 of the Criminal Code, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport proposes that the following amateur combative sports be designated:

- boxing
- jiu jitsu
- judo
- karate
- kickboxing
- mixed martial arts
- taekwondo
- wrestling
- wushu

Under the ministry's proposal all amateur contests in these sports would be exempt from Section 83 of the Criminal Code

The ministry is also proposing to provide the minister with the regulatory authority to permit contests in additional amateur combative sports.

The ministry is not proposing additional requirements to hold amateur contests in these sports at this time.

Pending the approval of the proposed regulation, the ministry would consult the combative sport community on the development of additional safety requirements for each of the designated sports proportionate to the risk they represent.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
October 24, 2014
Comments Due Date:
December 8, 2014
Contact Address:
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Sport, Recreation & Community Programs Division
777 Bay Street
Floor 23
Toronto Ontario

General Inquiries
Phone: 1-888-997-9015
Fax: 416-314-7458