Amendment to Regulation 753 (Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking) under the Milk Act.
Regulation Number(s):
R.R. O. 1990, Reg. 753
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Other
Bill or Act:
Milk Act
Summary of Decision:
The amendment to R.R.O. 1990 Regulation 753 (Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking) was made by the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission and was filed with the Registrar of Regulations on November 19, 2014. Subsection 8 (1) of Regulation 753 was amended to add the following paragraph 5.1: A container that is three litres. The amendment will come into force effective November 19, 2014.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
August 15, 2014
Summary of Proposal:
The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) has the authority under the Milk Act to make regulations prescribing the types and sizes of containers that shall be used for fluid milk products.
Section 8 of Regulation 753 (Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking) under the Milk Act stipulates the sizes of containers that must be used for fluid milk products for retail sale to consumers.
The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission intends to revoke the container size requirements in section 8 of Regulation 753. The purpose of this posting is to provide dairy industry organizations, businesses and other interested parties with an opportunity to provide input on the proposed changes.
Contact Address:
John Fitzgerald
Marketing Analyst
Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission
1 Stone Road West, Guelph ON N1G 4Y2
Phone: 519-826-3222
Fax: 519-826-3400
Effective Date:
November 19, 2014