Regulatory Registry Posting related to the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014
Summary of Decision:
On August 31, 2015, when the CCEYA came into effect, it repealed and replaced the Day Nurseries Act (DNA) to provide a new legislative framework to transform and modernize the child care sector.
To support the implementation of the CCEYA, the Ministry of Education consulted on proposed regulations from March 24, 2015 to May 11, 2015.
The Ministry received nearly 300 submissions related to: licensing clarity; enforcement; licensing standards; and special needs.
On August 31, 2015, the following regulations were filed with the registrar of regulations and published on the e-Laws website:
• Ontario Regulation 138/15: Funding, Cost Sharing and Financial Assistance
• Ontario Regulation 137/15: General
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
March 24, 2015
Summary of Proposal:
The Legislature recently passed new legislation to modernize and strengthen Ontario's child care system and improve oversight in both the licensed and unlicensed child care sectors. The Child Care Modernization Act, 2014 was passed by the Legislative Assembly and received Royal Assent in December 2014. Once proclaimed, the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 will go into effect and the Day Nurseries Act will no longer be used.
The proposed regulations will provide information for child care providers, parents/guardians and the general public about how new legislation will be put into practice. The proposed regulations would come into effect when the legislation is proclaimed, and would address four priority areas: licensing clarity, enforcement, licensing standards and special needs. This document also includes information about transition regulations that would support the transition to the new Act.
All interested parties are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed regulations. The Ministry of Education values the unique and diverse perspectives from parents/families and broader child care and early years partners.
Feedback can be provided in one of three ways:
1) By using the comments field which appears when the "Comment on this proposal via e-mail" field is accessed below.
2) By email:
3) By regular mail:
Child Care Modernization
c/o Early Years Division
Ministry of Education
900 Bay Street, 24th Floor, Mowat Block
Toronto ON M7A 1L2
Contact Address:
Child Care Modernization
c/o Early Years Division
Ministry of Education
900 Bay Street, 24th Floor, Mowat Block
Toronto ON M7A 1L2
Effective Date:
August 31, 2015